
   2022-03-17 互联网综合消息



据能源世界3月15日消息称,Equinor及其合作伙伴bp宣布了一项协议,将位于美国纽约布鲁克林的南布鲁克林海运终端(SBMT) 综合设施改造成一个主要的区域海上风能枢纽。

根据协议,该终端将转变为一个海上风电港口,能够为 Empire Wind 和 Beacon Wind 项目以及美国东海岸不断发展的海上工业提供大型、复杂的海上风电技术组件。



Equinor 和 bp 将在 SBMT 建立运营和维护 (O&M) 枢纽和集装区,总投资为 2 亿美元至 2.5 亿美元用于基础设施升级,同时还将 SBMT 发展为低排放设施。该港口将成为 Equinor 和 bp 的 Empire Wind 和 Beacon Wind 项目的中转设施,这些项目将提供 3.3 吉瓦的能源——足以为纽约近 200 万户家庭供电——并成为该地区未来海上风力项目的首选目的地。


Equinor Wind美国公司总裁Siri Espedal kindm表示:“这项协议标志着我们向纽约州承诺的重大一步,即提供可再生能源,并在创造持久就业的同时激发新的经济活动。”

曹海斌 摘译自 能源世界


Equinor and bp sign offshore wind agreement

Equinor and its partner bp have announced an agreement to turn the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SBMT) complex in Brooklyn, New York, US into a major regional hub for offshore wind.

Under the agreement, the terminal will transform into an offshore wind port capable of staging and assembling large, sophisticated offshore wind technology components for the Empire Wind and Beacon Wind projects and for the growing US offshore industry on the east coast.

The agreement was co-signed by terminal operator Sustainable South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SSBMT) and New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC).

The offshore wind projects on the US east coast are key building blocks to accelerate profitable growth in renewables, and Equinor’s ambition is to install 12 - 16 GW of renewables capacity by 2030.

Equinor and bp will create an operations and maintenance (O&M) hub and staging area at SBMT, with a total investment of US$200 million - US$250 million in infrastructure upgrades, while also pursuing the development of SBMT as a low-emissions facility. The port will become a staging facility for Equinor and bp’s Empire Wind and Beacon Wind projects that will supply 3.3 GWs of energy – enough to power nearly two million New York homes – as well as becoming a go-to destination for future offshore wind projects in the region.

The redevelopment will inject the Sunset Park waterfront with substantial investment from the new renewable energy economy, creating new jobs and providing an economic boost to the community. Equinor and bp’s activities at SBMT are anticipated to support over 1000 jobs annually in the region.

“This agreement marks a major step forward in our commitment to New York State to both provide renewable power and to spark fresh economic activity, while creating enduring jobs,” said Siri Espedal Kindem, President of Equinor Wind US.

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