
   2022-03-17 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据能源世界3月15日消息称,维斯塔斯公司从Enefit Green AS子公司Enefit Wind Purtse获得了一份21兆瓦的订单

据能源世界3月15日消息称,维斯塔斯公司从Enefit Green AS子公司Enefit Wind Purtse获得了一份21兆瓦的订单,用于在爱沙尼亚的Purtse风力项目,这代表维斯塔斯公司进入爱沙尼亚的市场。该订单也是维斯塔斯与Enefit Green的首次合作。

该订单包括在毂高82米处安装5台V136-4.2MW涡轮机的供应和安装。维斯塔斯还将根据一份30年主动输出管理5000 (AOM 5000)服务协议,为涡轮机提供服务。

维斯塔斯公司北欧和中欧地区西北销售副总裁Juan Furones说:“我们很高兴进入爱沙尼亚的风电市场,并在 Purtse 风电项目中与 Enefit Green 建立新的合作伙伴关系,因为维斯塔斯继续通过我们的产品组合将我们的产品扩展到新的地区。我们的V136-4.2 MW技术已被证明是Purtse项目的最佳匹配,我们致力于安全、按时交付该项目,以启动爱沙尼亚必要的风能转型。Enefit Green与我们签订了一份30年的全面服务协议,因此,与此同时,我们很高兴能够在爱沙尼亚建立长期的服务足迹。”

Enefit Wind Putse 监事会主席 Aavo Kärmas 表示:“Putse 风电场将是多年来在爱沙尼亚建造的第一个大型风电场,它证实了可以快速建设新的可再生能源产能。爱沙尼亚最强大和最现代化的风力涡轮机将在 Purtse 开始发电,可靠的安装合作伙伴确保该电场按时完成,并在爱沙尼亚的整个工作周期内为爱沙尼亚提供重要的环保能源。”

Purtse 风电项目的交付预计将于2023年第一季度开始,而调试计划于 2023 年 1 月开始。

Enefit Green于2021年3月从Raunistal手中收购了Purtse风电场的开发项目,并做出最终投资决定,于2022年1月开工建设。

曹海斌 摘译自 能源世界


Vestas secures first Estonian wind project

Vestas has received a 21 MW order from Enefit Green AS’s subsidiary, Enefit Wind Purtse, for the Purtse wind project in Estonia, which represents Vestas’ market entry into Estonia. The order also marks Vestas’ first collaboration with Enefit Green.

The order includes the supply and installation of five V136-4.2 MW turbines installed at a hub height of 82 m. Vestas will also service the turbines under a 30-year active output management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement.

“We are delighted to enter Estonia’s wind market and build a new partnership with Enefit Green at the Purtse wind project, as Vestas continues to expand our offering to new geographies with technology across our portfolio,” said Juan Furones, VP Sales North & West at Vestas Northern & Central Europe. “Our V136-4.2 MW technology has proven to be an optimal match for the Purtse project, and we are committed to delivering this project safely and on schedule, to kickstart the necessary Estonian wind energy transition. Enefit Green has entrusted us with a 30 year full-scope service agreement, so at the same time, we are delighted to build out our service footprint in Estonia for the long-term.”

Aavo Kärmas, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Enefit Wind Putse says: “Putse Wind Farm will be the first large wind farm to be built in Estonia in many years, and it confirms that new renewable energy capacities can be built quickly. The most powerful and modern wind turbines in Estonia will start generating electricity in Purtse, and a reliable partner in their installation ensures that the farm is completed on time and provides important environmentally friendly energy for Estonia throughout its life.”

Deliveries at the Purtse wind project are expected to begin 1Q23, whilst commissioning is planned for 1H23.

Enefit Green acquired the development project for Purtse Wind Farm from Raunistal in March 2021, and made the final investment decision to start construction in January 2022.

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