
   2022-03-16 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油田技术3月14日消息称,APA公司宣布,该公司的子公司于3月7日以约 8.05 亿美元的价格将特拉华盆地矿产出

据油田技术3月14日消息称,APA公司宣布,该公司的子公司于3月7日以约 8.05 亿美元的价格将特拉华盆地矿产出售给一位未披露的买家,但需进行交易后调整。


在3月11日的第二笔交易中,APA子公司完成了400万股Kinetik a类普通股的出售,净收入为2.24亿美元。在此之前,Altus Midstream和BCP Raptor Holdco LP合并,形成Kinetik,并于2月底完成。在未来的24个月内,Apache将投资至少1亿美元用于特拉华盆地 Alpine High 区的新钻井和完井活动,Kinetik在该区块拥有独家天然气和天然气液化天然气采集和处理权。

APA公司首席执行官兼总裁John J. Christmann IV说:“这些交易的完成反映了我们正在进行的投资组合精简。我们仍致力于向股东返还自由现金流,并继续加强资产负债表。因此,我们计划将部分销售收入用于削减债务。”

首席财务官兼执行副总裁Steve Riney指出:“随着2022年第一季度的业绩,我们将开始拆分Altus Midstream的贡献,从而去杠杆化APA的资产负债表,简化我们的财务报告,并增强与纯粹的上游同行的可比性。截至 2022 年 3 月 31 日,除其他项目外,APA 的资产负债表将不再反映 Altus 的 6.57 亿美元长期债务和与 Altus 先前在 2021 年底合并的优先股相关的 7.12 亿美元。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术


APA Corp. completes Delaware Basin minerals divestiture

APA Corp. has announced that on 7 March subsidiaries of the company completed the sale of a Delaware Basin mineral package to an undisclosed buyer for approximately US$805 million, subject to post-closing adjustments.

The divested assets primarily comprise non-operated properties across west Texas and southeast New Mexico, with estimated production of approximately 7000 boe/d.

In a second transaction, on 11 March, a subsidiary of APA completed the sale of 4 million shares of Kinetik Class A common stock for net proceeds of US$224 million. The transaction follows the combination of Altus Midstream and BCP Raptor Holdco LP that formed Kinetik and was completed in late February. Within the next 24 months, Apache will invest a minimum of US$100 million for new well drilling and completion activity at the Alpine High play in the Delaware Basin, where Kinetik has exclusive gas and NGL gathering and processing rights.

“Completion of these transactions reflects the ongoing streamlining of our portfolio. We remain committed to returning Free Cash Flow to shareholders and continuing to strengthen the balance sheet. As such, we plan to direct a portion of these sales proceeds toward debt reduction,” said John J. Christmann IV, CEO and president of APA Corporation.

Steve Riney, CFO and executive vice president, noted: “With first-quarter 2022 results, we will begin deconsolidating Altus Midstream contributions, thereby deleveraging APA’s balance sheet, simplifying our financial reporting, and enhancing comparability with pure upstream peers. As of March 31, 2022, among other items, APA’s balance sheet will no longer reflect the $657 million in Altus long-term debt and $712 million associated with Altus’ preferred equity previously consolidated at year-end 2021.”

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