
   2022-03-16 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据烃加工网站3月14日报道 巴斯夫推出了一种新的流化催化裂化催化剂,旨在最大限度地利用渣油原料中的丁烯。

据烃加工网站3月14日报道 巴斯夫推出了一种新的流化催化裂化催化剂,旨在最大限度地利用渣油原料中的丁烯。Fourtitude是基于巴斯夫多框架拓扑(MFT)技术的最新产品,经过优化,在保持催化剂活性的同时,为丁烯提供了优异的选择性。



巴斯夫工艺催化剂高级副总裁Detlef Ruff表示:“Fourtitude是巴斯夫行业领先的高级炼油催化剂产品组合的重要补充。我们很高兴推出一种创新产品,帮助我们的客户加工渣油原料,以提高丁烯选择性和炼油厂的整体性能。”

王磊 摘译自 烃加工


BASF releases a new fluid catalytic cracking catalyst

BASF launched a new fluid catalytic cracking catalyst designed to maximize butylenes from resid feedstocks. Fourtitude, the latest product based on BASF’s multiple framework topology (MFT) technology, is optimized to deliver superior selectivity to butylenes while maintaining catalyst activity.

MFT technology enhances performance through the use of more than one framework topology working together to tailor the catalyst selectivity profile. Fourtitude combines the benefits of MFT and metals passivation technologies to deliver superior butylenes selectivity and metals resistance for resid feedstock applications. The superior butylenes selectivity is achieved by employing a specialty zeolite framework that is more effective at cracking small olefins to butylene.

Fourtitude refinery trials have validated its ability to deliver improved performance for refiners through increased butylenes and propylene yields, increased gasoline octane and improved coke selectivity.

“Fourtitude is an important addition to BASF’s industry-leading and advanced refinery catalysts portfolio,” said Detlef Ruff, Senior Vice President, Process Catalysts at BASF. “We are pleased to introduce an innovative product to help our customers processing resid feedstocks to improve butylenes selectivity and overall performance of refineries.”

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