
   2022-03-21 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据离岸工程网站3月18日消息 马来西亚国家石油公司子公司PC Ketapang II在 2021年第二轮印度尼西亚石油招投

据离岸工程网站3月18日消息 马来西亚国家石油公司子公司PC Ketapang II在 2021年第二轮印度尼西亚石油招投标中赢得了位于印度尼西亚东爪哇陆上和近海的North Ketapang区块。


马国油将通过其子公司运营并持有3131.8平方公里该区块100%的股权,该区块的水深可达100米。根据印度尼西亚政府的介绍,该区块的估计可采资源量为2.7亿桶油和15808.1亿立方英尺天然气。周边的油气田包括Ketapang、Bukit Tua、Jenggolo、Poleng、Sidayu、WMO和dan Camar。

马国油执行副总裁兼上游首席执行官Adif Zulkifli表示:“马国油祝贺印度尼西亚政府成功进行了一轮竞标。我们对竞标结果感到高兴,因为North Ketapang区块位于一个相邻区块,去年在该区块的勘探发现令人满意。”


马来西亚国家石油公司也是东爪哇海上凯产量分成合同和North Madura II PSC的运营商,是苏门答腊岛、纳土纳海、东爪哇岛和东印度尼西亚六个PSC的合资伙伴。

吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


Petronas Wins Bid for Oil and Gas Block in Indonesia

Petronas' subsidiary PC Ketapang II has won the North Ketapang block, located onshore and offshore East Java, Indonesia, during the second round of the Indonesia Petroleum Bid Round 2021.

The result was announced by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia Friday.

Petronas, through its subsidiary, will operate and hold a 100 percent equity in the 3,131.8-square kilometer block with water depths of up to 100 meters. According to a presentation by the Indonesian government, the stimated recoverable resources at the block are 270.08 mmbo and 1,580.81 bcf. Surrounding oil & gas fields include Ketapang, Bukit Tua, Jenggolo, Poleng, Sidayu, WMO, dan Camar.

Petronas Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Upstream, Adif Zulkifli said:"Petronas wishes to congratulate the Government of Indonesia on a successful bid round. We are delighted with the outcome of the bid round as the North Ketapang block is located to an adjacent block where an encouraging discovery was made last year."

“With the support of the Government of Indonesia, we will continue to strengthen our upstream ventures towards unlocking greater value that contributes to the development of Indonesia’s energy industry. As a progressive energy and solutions partner, PETRonAS is committed to deliver safe and reliable supply of energy to Indonesia,” he added.

Petronas is also the operator for the Ketapang Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and North Madura II PSC offshore East Java and is a joint venture partner in six PSCs located both onshore and offshore Sumatra, Natuna Sea, East Java, as well as East Indonesia.

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