
   2022-03-23 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据管道新闻网3月21日消息称,德西尼布能源公司和 Greenko ZeroC Private Ltd. 签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU)

据管道新闻网3月21日消息称,德西尼布能源公司和 Greenko ZeroC Private Ltd. 签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU),以探索印度炼油、石化、化肥、化学和发电厂等行业的绿色氢项目开发机会,以加速该国的能源转型。

谅解备忘录旨在促进印度德西尼布能源公司和 Greenko 团队之间的积极合作,以加强“建设-自有-运营 (BOO)”模式的合作机会(其中,Greenko 将成为 BOO 运营商和资产所有者,德西尼布能源将提供工程服务、集成和EP/EPC支持),为印度的试点和商业规模的绿色氢及相关项目提供技术支持,为客户提供经济可行的技术解决方案。

这两家公司都为这一合作伙伴关系带来了互补的技能和附加价值——德西尼布能源凭借其氢能专业知识、集成能力、EPC 项目管理技能和区域足迹,而Greenko 凭借其在太阳能、风能和水电等可再生能源领域的技术知识、专业知识和资产。

Greenko ZeroC 首席运营官 Gautam Reddy 说:“能源转型是印度应对气候变化和寻求能源独立的关键。Greenko 在可再生能源发电和存储方面拥有成熟的专业知识和资产基础,并在电解槽技术方面进行了投资。凭借这些优势,我们与德西尼布能源等世界级工程和技术公司的合作使我们能够提供印度所需的最佳、快速、大规模的碳中和解决方案。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 管道新闻网


Technip Energies, Greenko Partner to Accelerate Green Hydrogen Development in India

Technip Energies and Greenko ZeroC Private Ltd. have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore green hydrogen project development opportunities across industries including refining, petrochemicals, fertilizer, chemical and power plant sectors in India to accelerate energy transition in the country.

The MoU aims to facilitate active engagement between the teams of Technip Energies in India and Greenko to step up collaborative opportunities on a “Build-Own-Operate (BOO)” model — in which Greenko will be the BOO operator and owner of the asset and Technip Energies will support with engineering services, integration, and EP/EPC — for pilot and commercial scale green hydrogen and related projects in India in order to offer economically feasible technology solutions to clients.

Both entities bring complementary skills and added-value to this partnership — Technip Energies with its Hydrogen expertise, Integration capabilities, EPC project management skills and regional footprint, and Greenko with its technological know-how, expertise, and assets in renewable energy, which span solar, wind and hydro.

“Energy Transition is key for India in its fight against climate change and quest for energy independence,” Gautam Reddy, COO of Greenko ZeroC, said. “Greenko has an established expertise and asset base in RE generation and storage alongside investments in electrolyzer technology. With these strengths, our tie-up with a world class engineering and technology company like Technip Energies enables the partnership to deliver optimal, expedited, large scale carbon neutral solutions that India needs."

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