
   2022-03-21 互联网综合消息


核心提示:2月份欧佩克+减产协议履行率跃升至136%7个多月以来欧佩克+实际上增产低于预期的40万桶 据美国油价网3月18日



据美国油价网3月18日报道, 路透社周五(3月18日)援引两名消息人士的话报道称,与减产协议中的目标相比,欧佩克+联盟的石油产量水平继续严重落后,2月份的原油日产量比集体配额低100多万桶,协议履行率跃升至136%。

今年1月份,欧佩克+产油国减产协议的总体履行率为129%,这也表明该协议的成员国未能实现其集体配额。 近几个月来,履行率一直在稳步上升,这意味着名义总配额和实际产量之间的差距继续扩大。 例如,2021年12月的履行率为122%,11月的履行率为117%。  



由于缺乏投资和产能,非洲的欧佩克成员国——主要是安哥拉和尼日利亚等生产大国——一直难以提高产量。 其他产油国也不能把产量提高太多。 只有沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋拥有足够的备用产能,能够显著增加欧佩克+的产量。  


李峻 编译自 美国油价网


OPEC+ Oil Production Is 1 Million Bpd Lower Than Target Level

Compliance with OPEC+ output cuts jumps to 136% in February.

For more than seven months now, OPEC+ has actually added lower volumes to the market than the projected 400,000 bpd per month increases.

The OPEC+ group continues to severely underperform in its oil production levels compared to the target in the pact, with February output at more than 1 million barrels per day (bpd) below the collective quota and compliance rate jumping to 136 percent, Reuters reported on Friday, quoting two sources.  

In January, the overall compliance rate at OPEC+ producers was 129 percent, also indicating that the members of the pact haven’t been able to pump to their collective quotas. The compliance rate has been steadily rising in recent months—meaning that the gap between nameplate total quota and actual production continues to rise. For example, compliance in December 2021 was at 122 percent, and the compliance rate stood at 117 percent in November.

For more than seven months now, OPEC+ has actually added lower volumes to the market each month than the 400,000 bpd nominal monthly increase announced in each of the OPEC+ meetings since August 2021.

The biggest oil-consuming nations, including the United States, as well as the International Energy Agency (IEA), have been calling on OPEC+ for months to boost supply faster to help tame soaring oil prices and narrow the widening gap between the group’s quotas and the much lower actual supply to the market.

Africa’s OPEC members, mostly big producers Angola and Nigeria, have struggled to raise their production because of a lack of investment and capacity. Other producers cannot raise output too much, either. The only ones with enough spare capacity to meaningfully add to the OPEC+ production are OPEC heavyweights Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

However, neither the Saudis nor the UAE has stepped forward to fill in the widening gap in global oil supply, which is set to become much wider.

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