
   2022-03-24 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据管道新闻网3月22日消息称,建设澳大利亚第一个液化天然气进口终端的私营公司Squadron Energy的商务主管周

据管道新闻网3月22日消息称,建设澳大利亚第一个液化天然气进口终端的私营公司Squadron Energy的商务主管周二表示,该公司预计其位于新南威尔士州的肯布拉港(Port Kembla)设施将在2023年底前准备好接收第一批天然气。

澳大利亚矿业亿万富翁Andrew Forrest拥有的 Squadron Energy 正在与其他四个拟议的液化天然气进口项目竞争,这些项目旨在填补澳大利亚东南部最早从2024年开始的天然气供应缺口,以及澳大利亚东部从2027年开始的天然气供应缺口。

Evonne Bennett在悉尼的一个天然气会议上说,位于悉尼以南约 90 公里(56 英里)的肯布拉港工地的土方工程已经完成,一个新终端的工作已经开始,该设施“将在明年第四季度为第一批天然气做好准备。”

Squadron 已为其终端安排了 Hoegh Galleon 浮式储存和再气化装置 (FSRU),但尚未安排供气。

相比之下,竞争对手 Viva Energy 已与伍德赛德石油公司达成初步协议,为墨尔本附近 Geelong 的拟议进口终端供应天然气。 

Viva 正在等待国家对其项目的批准,并计划在今年年中做出最终投资决定,目标是在 2024 年初首次进口天然气。

朱佳妮 摘译自 管道新闻网


Australia's First LNG import Terminal Seen Ready by Late-2023

Squadron Energy, the private company building Australia's first LNG import terminal, expects its Port Kembla facility in New South Wales to be ready to take its first gas shipment by the end of 2023, its commercial director said on Tuesday.

Squadron Energy, owned by Australian mining billionaire Andrew Forrest, is vying against four other proposed LNG import projects looking to fill a shortfall in gas supplies expected in southeastern Australia from as early as 2024, and across eastern Australia from 2027.

Earthworks at the Port Kembla site about 90 km (56 miles) south of Sydney have been completed, work on a new wharf has begun and the facility "will be ready for first gas in quarter four next year," Evonne Bennett told a gas conference in Sydney.

Squadron has lined up the Hoegh Galleon floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) for its terminal but has not lined up gas supply yet.

In contrast, rival Viva Energy has lined up a tentative deal for Woodside Petroleum to supply gas to a proposed import terminal in Geelong, near Melbourne. 

Viva is awaiting state approval for its project and aims to make a final investment decision by the middle of this year, targeting first gas imports by early 2024.

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