Aker BP已获准增加其Skarv气田的天然气出口

   2022-03-29 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据OE网站3月28日报道,挪威能源部周一表示,Aker BP已获准增加其Skarv油田的天然气出口,使该公司能够利用

据OE网站3月28日报道,挪威能源部周一表示,Aker BP已获准增加其Skarv油田的天然气出口,使该公司能够利用目前超过石油价格的高企的天然气价格机会。

到目前为止,Aker BP已经将Skarv近一半的天然气产量注入到储层中,以提高石油产量,但该公司上个月表示,正在考虑增加天然气出口。


Aker BP没有立即回应Skarv天然气产量可能会增加多少的置评请求。

拥有多数股权的国有石油公司Equinor EQNR.OL去年也做出了类似的决定,不再注入储层,以增加Heidrun和Gina Krog气田的天然气出口。



运营商Aker BP持有Skarv 23.8%的股份,合作伙伴Equinor持有36.2%,Wintershall DEA持有28.1%,PGNiG PGN.WA持有11.9%。

郝芬 译自 OE


Aker BP Gets Gov't OK to Raise Gas Output from Skarv Offshore Field

Norway's Aker BP has won permission to increase gas exports from its Skarv field, the country's energy ministry said on Monday, enabling the company to take advantage of high gas prices that now exceed the price of oil.

Until now, Aker BP has injected almost half of Skarv's natural gas output back into the reservoir in order to boost oil production, but the company last month said it was considering a move to more gas exports.

Skarv produced about 8 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas last year but sold only 4.5 bcm, data from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate showed.

Aker BP did not immediately respond to a request for comment on how much Skarv's gas output might rise.

Majority state-owned Equinor EQNR.OL last year made similar decisions to boost gas exports from its Heidrun and Gina Krog fields by switching away from reservoir injections. 

Norway's overall gas exports last year amounted to 113.2 bcm, according to gas systems operator Gassco.

The Skarv field in the northern part of the Norwegian Sea pipes gas to the Kaarstoe processing plant before it is exported to Europe.

Operator Aker BP holds a 23.8% stake in Skarv, while partners Equinor has 36.2%, Wintershall DEA has 28.1% and PGNiG PGN.WA 11.9%.

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