
   2022-03-28 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据世界石油网站3月24日报道 道达尔能源SE宣布了大幅削减甲烷排放的计划,因为能源巨头面临越来越大的压力,

据世界石油网站3月24日报道 道达尔能源SE宣布了大幅削减甲烷排放的计划,因为能源巨头面临越来越大的压力,以消除温室气体之一甲烷的排放。



该公司还表示,到2030年,与2015年相比,它将减少其它温室气体排放(尤其是与其石油客户相关的排放)超过 30%。该公司此前曾表示,它计划减少其石油产品的销售,到那时至少会减至该比例,同时扩大天然气和电力的输出。

周四的气候报告将在5月25日的年度股东大会上进行表决,但立即遭到荷兰激进组织Follow This的否决,该组织称道达尔的计划仍未达到《巴黎协定》的目标。

能源转型日益主导石油巨头的年度股东大会。去年,雪佛龙公司的投资者投票支持了一项提议,要求该公司遏制其客户造成的污染;埃克森美孚的股东罢免了两名被视为对全球变暖威胁不适应的董事。在欧洲,Follow This在bp、壳牌和Equinor ASA提交的气候决议获得了有史以来最高的支持。


王磊 摘译自 世界石油


Total vows to slash methane as investors demand big oil do more

TotalEnergies SE announced plans for a steep cut in methane emissions as energy majors come under increasing pressure to eliminate leaks of one of the most harmful greenhouse gases.

The French energy giant aims to reduce its release of methane -- the primary component of natural gas -- by 80% this decade, it said Thursday in a report. Curbing intentional emissions and accidental leaks from the oil and gas industry is seen by scientists as essential in the fight against global warming.

Climate change looms large for Europe’s big oil companies, with governments and shareholders increasingly demanding more stringent targets to reduce pollution as the region seeks to reach carbon-neutrality by 2050.

TotalEnergies also said it will cut so-called Scope 3 emissions -- specifically relating to those of its oil customers -- by more than 30% by 2030 versus 2015. The company has said before that it plans to reduce the sale of its oil products by at least that proportion by then, while it expands gas and power output. 

Thursday’s climate report, which will be put to a vote at the annual general meeting on May 25, was immediately rejected by Dutch activist group Follow This, which said Total’s plan “still falls short” of Paris Agreement goals.

The energy transition has increasingly dominated the AGMs of the oil majors. Last year, Chevron Corp. investors voted for a proposal to compel the firm to curb pollution by its customers, while Exxon Mobil Corp.’s shareholders ousted two directors seen as ill-attuned to the threat of global warming. In Europe, climate resolutions filed by Follow This at BP plc, Shell Plc and Equinor ASA received their highest support ever.

Total defended its climate stance on Thursday, pointing to an analysis from the Transition Pathway Initiative investor group that showed the company was one of just three oil and gas majors with strategies ambitious enough to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

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