
   2022-03-24 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据钻机地带3月22日报道,图洛石油公司(Tullow Oil )已经完成了原本将西方石油公司在加纳Jubilee和TEN油田

据钻机地带3月22日报道,图洛石油公司(Tullow Oil )已经完成了原本将西方石油公司在加纳Jubilee和TEN油田的权益出售给科斯莫斯(Kosmos)能源公司的优先购买权。





截至2021年12月31日,该交易使图洛的净储量增加9%,相当于2100万桶油当量,按每桶75美元计算,预计税后NPV 10估值为3.55亿美元。

图洛石油首席执行官Rahul Dhir表示,我很高兴这项重要交易已经完成,我也很感谢加纳政府,尤其是尊敬的能源部长的持续支持,他在完成这项交易中发挥了至关重要的领导作用。这项交易突显了我们对资产的信心,并实现了我们增值和杠杆率的目标。





Jubilee油田横跨加纳近海Tano盆地的West Cape Three Points和深水Tano (DWT)区块。Jubilee油田于2010年底首次投产,Tweneboa、Enyenra和Ntomme (TEN)油田于2016年投产。

郝芬 译自 钻机地带


Tullow Increases Stakes In Ghana Offshore Fields

Tullow Oil has completed the pre-emption related to the sale of Occidental Petroleum’s interests in the Jubilee and TEN fields offshore Ghana to Kosmos Energy.

The cash consideration paid on completion was $118 million reflecting closing adjustments and was funded from cash on the balance sheet.

This transaction increases Tullow’s equity interests to 38.9 percent in the Jubilee field and 54.8 percent in the TEN fields and adds around 5,000 bopd of unhedged daily production. This equates to some 4,000 bopd on an annualized basis.

This increases the company’s 2022 production guidance to 59,000-65,000 bopd – of that, 30,000-32,000 is produced at bopd at Jubilee while 13,000-14,000 bopd is produced at TEN. The remaining 16,000-19,000 bopd belongs to the non-operated part of Tullow’s portfolio which remains unchanged.

This additional equity increases Tullow’s 2022 capital expenditure forecast by $30 million to $380 million and is expected to generate around $300 million incremental free cash flow at $75 per barrel between 2022 and 2026.

As of 31 December 2021, the transaction increases Tullow’s net 2P reserves by 9 percent which equates to around 21 mmboe, and has an estimated post-tax NPV 10 valuation of $355 million at $75 per barrel.

“I am delighted that this important transaction was completed, and I am grateful for the continued support of the Government of Ghana and, in particular, the Honourable Minister of Energy whose leadership has been paramount in getting to completion. This transaction underscores our confidence in the assets and meets our objectives of value accretion and deleveraging,” Rahul Dhir, CEO of Tullow Oil, said.

In mid-October 2021, Occidental announced it would be selling its interests Jubilee and TEN for $750 million to Kosmos Energy and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC).

The sale to Kosmos worth $550 million, closed upon signing and the sale to GNPC, was expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2021.

But it wasn’t to be as Tullow exercised its right of pre-emption regarding the sale of Occidental’s interests in the two fields to Kosmos Energy the following month.

Kosmos also received notice that PetroSA intends to exercise pre-emption rights for the sale. But that process is still ongoing.

The Jubilee field straddles both the West Cape Three Points and Deepwater Tano (DWT) blocks in the Tano Basin offshore Ghana. The first production from the Jubilee field came in late 2010 and from Tweneboa, Enyenra, and Ntomme (TEN) field in 2016.

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