
   2022-04-02 互联网综合消息






Colibri项目是一个回填项目,预计通过一系列四口海底气井,每天可增加约30,000桶油当量(boe/d) (174 mmscf/d)的持续近期天然气产量,峰值产量预计约为43,000 boe/d (250 mmscf/d),这些气井与位于NCMA区域的现有Poinsettia平台相连。

集成天然气、可再生能源和能源解决方案总监Wael Sawan说:“这加强了壳牌在国内推动进步战略的实施,因为我们寻求在全球范围内提供更多、更清洁的能源解决方案。Colibri 以及其他开发项目将看到天然气进入国内石化市场和液化天然气出口市场,这符合该国的能源雄心。”

壳牌运营的Colibri开发项目与该国国家石油公司Heritage Petroleum 公司共同拥有,后者在北海岸海域的22号区块和NCMA-4区块分别拥有10%和20%的工作权益。



祝精燕 摘译自 海上能源


Shell produces first gas from Colibri project off Trinidad and Tobago

Oil major Shell has started production on Block 22 and NCMA-4 in the North Coast Marine Area (NCMA) in Trinidad and Tobago.

Shell made the Final Investment Decision for Project Colibri in March 2020. The start-up of Colibri follows the amendment to the Block 6 Production Sharing Contract for the Manatee field, marking yet another significant milestone in Shell’s growth strategy in the country, Shell said on Thursday.

This will allow for the delivery of gas both domestically and internationally through Atlantic LNG.

Project Colibri is a backfill project that is expected to add approximately 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) (174 mmscf/d) of sustained near-term gas production with peak production expected to be approximately 43,000 boe/d (250 mmscf/d) through a series of four subsea gas wells, tied back to the existing Poinsettia platform located in the NCMA acreage.

Wael Sawan, Director of Integrated Gas, Renewable and Energy Solutions: “This reinforces the delivery of Shell’s Powering Progress strategy in country, as we seek to provide more and cleaner energy solutions, globally. Colibri, along with other development projects, will see natural gas going into both the domestic petrochemical markets and into LNG exports, in line with the energy ambitions of Trinidad and Tobago.”

The Shell-operated Colibri development is co-owned with the Trinidad and Tobago national oil company Heritage Petroleum Company, which has a working interest of 10 per cent and 20 per cent respectively in Block 22 and NCMA-4 in the North Coast Marine Area (NCMA).

It is worth reminding that Shell also started production from Block 5C in the East Coast Marine Area (ECMA), also known as project Barracuda, located in Trinidad and Tobago, in July 2021.

Colibri, when combined with Barracuda and existing developments, will deliver more gas to the Trinidad and Tobago domestic market and the LNG export markets.

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