如果没有新投资 英国2030年前80%天然气消费将依赖进口

   2022-03-31 互联网综合消息





英国海上能源协会警告称,今年英国的天然气产量将与去年相比变化不大,而需求将出现更显著的增长。 与此同时,挪威去年已成为英国最大的天然气供应国。




本周早些时候,英国海上能源协会公布了一项被称为全面计划的计划,该计划在不损害气候目标的情况下保护英国的能源安全。 英国海上能源协会在报告中表示,国内生产的天然气可以供应本国约40%的天然气消费。  


李峻 编译自 美国油价网


UK Gas Output Stagnation Threatens Supply

The UK’s natural gas industry is struggling to boost production, and this will likely make the country more reliant on imports, industry association Offshore Energies UK said this week, as quoted by Bloomberg.

Without fresh investment in new gas production, the body, formerly known as Oil and Gas UK, by 2030, the country would rely on imports for between 70 and 80 percent of its gas consumption.

The body warned that this year’s gas production in the UK would be little changed from last year, while demand was set to grow more markedly. Meanwhile, Norway became the largest supplier of gas to the UK last year.

According to Offshore Energies UK, the Scandinavian country is a reliable supplier, but the UK is not its only client, suggesting it might need alternative supplies because Norway is already stretched as it is, thanks to the surge in demand and the slump in supply that has been plagued Europe since last year.

The body also warned that total oil and gas production in the UK was seen declining by as much as 15 percent every year without “rapid” new investment in new energy infrastructure.

“This decline is much faster than the predicted reduction in U.K. energy demand so, if there is no such investment then, by 2030, we will be reliant on other countries for at least 80% of our gas and 70% of our oil,” OEUK said.

Earlier this week, the OEUK published what it dubbed a comprehensive plan that protects UK energy security without compromising on climate goals. In it, the body said domestic production could supply some 40 percent of the gas the country consumes.

At the same time, the industry body prioritized the transition away from fossil fuels, which has already seriously undermined investments in new oil and gas production, according to OEUK itself.

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