
   2022-03-30 互联网综合消息




赫斯是在最近举行的第50届Scotia Howard Weil能源大会上发表上述讲话的。他表示:“圭亚那到2025年的石油产量增长幅度将超过莫桑比克、伊拉克和巴西的预计增长总和。”

赫斯在会上展示了一张图表,显示了在此期间石油产量将增加的国家的复合年增长率。 此外,沙特阿拉伯、美国(墨西哥湾)和阿拉伯联合酋长国也榜上有名。  




在2021年-2025年期间,预计将有3个项目投入运行。 丽莎二期项目已于今年2月启动。帕拉亚和Yellowtail(已获批准)预计将分别在2024年和2025年实现首次产油。 这3个项目将总共日增69万桶原油的产能。  



李峻 编译自 今日石油网


Guyana set to deliver highest oil production ramp up for deepwater plays

Guyana’s oil production ramp-up in the period 2021-2025 is unprecedented, and so steep that it exceeds the combined estimated growth of the next three countries combined, according to chief executive officer at Hess Corporation, John Hess.

“Guyana production through 2025 is set to exceed estimated growth from Mozambique, Iraq and Brazil combined,” Hess said during the 50th Annual Scotia Howard Weil Energy Conference held recently.

He presented a chart which shows the compounded annual growth rate of the countries which will see increased oil production during this period. Also included in this list are Saudi Arabia, the United States (Gulf of Mexico), and the United Arab Emirates.

Hess also showed that the production ramp-up in a six-year period is not only unprecedented in the period 2021-2025, but also the best in the industry when compared to other steep production ramp-ups occurring from first oil.

Of deepwater production ramp-ups occurring at Angola, Nigeria, Brazil’s Pre-Salt region, the United States Gulf of Mexico, and Brazil’s Post-Salt area, none were as steep as Guyana’s is projected to be, Hess demonstrated using Wood Mackenzie data.

“Guyana is truly a transformational opportunity for Hess, and one of the best investments in the industry,” Hess said. “The production growth ramp for the Liza Stabroek complex is the best in the industry and will create tremendous value for Hess shareholders for many years to come.”

For the 2021-2025 period, three projects were projected to come onstream. The Liza Phase Two project already started in February. Payara, and Yellowtail (to be approved), are expected to achieve first oil in 2024 and 2025 respectively. These three projects add a combined total of 690,000 barrels of oil per day in nameplate capacity.

They will take production offshore Guyana to 810,000 barrels per day, or more, once ExxonMobil’s optimization work at the Liza Phase One project is successful.

Hess has a 30% stake in the Stabroek block.

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