
   2022-04-12 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油田技术4月11日消息称,Rystad energy的研究显示,石油、天然气和电力价格的飙升,加上欧盟减少对供应的

据油田技术4月11日消息称,Rystad energy的研究显示,石油、天然气和电力价格的飙升,加上欧盟减少对供应的依赖的目标,以及疫情后的通胀,将使今年全球能源支出飙升至2.1万亿美元。



Rystad Energy 能源服务研究主管 Audun Martinsen 表示:“世界现在在能源上的花费比以往任何时候都多。2014年是我们最后一次看到类似的数字。人们可以看到在绿色能源上的支出发生了重大转变,绿色能源的支出一直在增加,而石油和天然气的支出却在下降。然而,在煤炭等其他化石燃料上的支出却保持不变。”

按子行业细分 2022 年的支出、资本和运营支出表明,在能源领域占主导地位的仍是上游石油,支出为6580亿美元,增长16%,产量为9960万桶/天。然而,天然气和液化天然气行业也出现强劲增长,支出增长15%,产量从3.9亿立方英尺/天增加到3.96亿立方英尺/天。在绿色能源中,太阳能、碳捕获和储存(CCS)、氢和地热的增长最快,增幅在40%到60%之间。然而,主要是太阳能公用事业规模和风能,分别增加了140和110的额外容量。

曹海斌 摘译自 油田技术


Global energy spending set to reach record high of over US$2 trillion in 2022, led by oil and gas

Surging oil, gas and power prices together with the EU’s goals of becoming less dependent on supplies and post-Covid-19 pandemic inflation will catapult global energy spending this year to US$2.1 trillion, Rystad Energy research shows.

Upstream oil and gas spending is now projected to grow 16% – or US$142 billion – compared to last year as oil and gas producers around the world up their investment budgets to increase output. For green energy in 2022, based on the current pipeline of projects, global capacity will grow at 250 GWac within wind and solar, and lead green energy spending to grow by 24%, or US$125 billion.

Compared to 2020 levels, project costs in oil and gas have increased by between 10% and 20%, due largely to steel price rises and a tighter market among suppliers. Within renewables, lithium, nickel, copper and polysilicon – which are all important materials in battery and solar PV manufacture – have sent renewable project costs up by between 10% and 35% within the same timeframe.

Audun Martinsen, Head of Energy Service Research at Rystad Energy said: “The world is now spending more on energy than ever before. The year 2014 was the last time we saw similar numbers. One can see a major shift in the amount of spending on green energy, which has increased, with a drop in expenditure on oil and gas. However, expenditure on other fossil fuels, such as coal, has remained constant.”

Breaking down the spending, capital and operational expenditures in 2022 by sub-sector reveals that it is still upstream oil that dominates the energy landscape, with US$658 billion of spending and a growth of 16% to produce 99.6 million bpd in liquids supply. However, the gas and LNG sector also sees strong growth, with a 15% increase in spending, increasing output to 396 million MMcfd from 390 MMcfd. Within green energies, it is solar, carbon capture and storage (CCS), hydrogen and geothermal that are growing the most, with between 40% and 60% growth. However, it is mainly solar utility scale and wind that add significant additional capacity of around 140 GWac and 110 GWac, respectively.

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