
   2022-04-12 互联网综合消息






至于海上风能,英国制定了到2030年前达到50吉瓦的新目标——这足以满足英国每个家庭的用电需求——其中多达5吉瓦将来自深海的海上风电场。 这个目标将需要得到新的规划改革的支持,把新的海上风力发电场的审批时间从4年减少到1年,并进行全面的精简,这将大大缩短新项目进入建设阶段的时间,同时改善环境。





英国政府说,“我们的目标是将我们的低碳氢气的产能翻一番,到2030年前达到10吉瓦的低碳氢气生产能力,其中至少一半来自绿色氢气,并利用过剩的海上风力发电来降低成本。 这不仅将为英国重要的工业提供更清洁的能源,以摆脱昂贵的化石燃料,而且还可以用于更清洁的电力、交通和潜在的取暖。”





英国政府表示,英国新能源安全战略将增加英国的清洁工作岗位数目,到2028年前将支持9万个海上风能工作岗位,比此前预期多3万个,到2028年前将支持1万个太阳能工作岗位,几乎是之前预期的两倍。 到2030年前,英国氢气工业将创造1.2万个工作岗位,比之前预计的要多3000个。


他说,“我们已经看到世界各地的汽油价格创历史新高。 我们需要通过加速向更清洁、更便宜、自产能源的转型来保护自己免受未来价格飙升的影响。”



在短期内,英国政府将为消费者提供大约120亿美元的一揽子支持,以应对不断上涨的生活成本。 这包括从4月起减免200美元的家庭税,并在10月份进一步削减260美元的能源账单,以迅速削减大多数家庭的能源账单,同时能源价格上限继续使数百万消费者免受全球天然气价格更高波动的影响。

科瓦滕说:“增加我们的可再生能源供应是我们控制能源价格的唯一途径。 我们已经在海上风能领域处于世界领先地位,但我们还想走得更远、更快,让清洁、廉价的能源成为常态。”



李峻 编译自 美国油价网


New UK Energy Strategy To Allow Greater Energy Independence

The UK has revealed its new British Energy Security Strategy which will accelerate the deployment of wind, new nuclear, solar, and hydrogen while supporting the production of domestic oil and gas in the nearer term.

The strategy will see a significant acceleration of nuclear, with an ambition of up to 24GW by 2050 to come from this safe, clean, and reliable source of power. This would represent up to around 25 percent of the UK’s projected electricity demand.

A new government body, Great British Nuclear, will be set up immediately to bring forward new projects, backed by substantial funding, and will launch around $155 million Future Nuclear Enabling Fund this month. The UK could deliver up to eight reactors, equivalent to one reactor a year instead of one a decade, accelerating nuclear power in Britain.

As for offshore wind, the UK set a new ambition of up to 50GW by 2030 – more than enough to power every home in the UK – of which up to 5GW would be from floating offshore wind in deeper seas. This will be underpinned by new planning reforms to cut the approval times for new offshore wind farms from 4 years to 1 year and an overall streamlining which will radically reduce the time it takes for new projects to reach construction stages while improving the environment.

The UK will be consulting on developing partnerships with a limited number of supportive communities who wish to host new onshore wind infrastructure in return for guaranteed lower energy bills.

The government is also planning a licensing round for new North Sea oil and gas projects in Autumn, with a new task force providing bespoke support to new developments – recognizing the importance of these fuels to the transition and energy security, and that producing gas in the UK has a lower carbon footprint than imported from abroad.

A Heat Pump Investment Accelerator Competition will be run in 2022 worth up to $40 million to make British heat pumps, which will reduce demand for gas.

UK will increase the UK’s current 14GW of solar capacity which could grow up to 5 times by 2035, consulting on the rules for solar projects, particularly on domestic and commercial rooftops.

“We will aim to double our ambition to up to 10GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030, with at least half coming from green hydrogen and utilizing excess offshore wind power to bring down costs. This will not only provide cleaner energy for vital British industries to move away from expensive fossil fuels but could also be used for cleaner power, transport and potentially heat,” the UK Government said

“We’re setting out bold plans to scale up and accelerate affordable, clean, and secure energy made in Britain, for Britain – from new nuclear to offshore wind – in the decade ahead,” UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said.

“This will reduce our dependence on power sources exposed to volatile international prices we cannot control, so we can enjoy greater energy self-sufficiency with cheaper bills,” he added.

However, on social media, he was a bit more braggadocios and said: “For years, governments have dodged the big decisions on energy, but not this one.”

This plan is a reaction to rising global energy prices, provoked by surging demand after the pandemic.

This will be central to weaning Britain off expensive fossil fuels, which are subject to volatile gas prices set by international markets, and boosting the country’s diverse sources of homegrown energy for greater energy security in the long term.

The Government stated that the British Energy Security Strategy will increase the number of clean jobs in the UK by supporting 90,000 jobs in offshore wind by 2028 – 30,000 more than previously expected, 10,000 jobs in solar power by 2028 – almost double previous expectations, and 12,000 jobs in the UK hydrogen industry by 2030 – 3,000 more than previously expected.

In total, the British Energy Security Strategy builds on Johnson’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, and, together with the Net Zero Strategy, is driving an unprecedented $130 billion of private sector investment into new British industries including Offshore Wind and supporting 480,000 new clean jobs by the end of the decade.

“We have seen record-high gas prices around the world. We need to protect ourselves from price spikes in the future by accelerating our move towards cleaner, cheaper, home-grown energy.

“The simple truth is that the more cheap, clean power we generate within our borders, the less exposed we will be to eye-watering fossil fuel prices set by global markets we can’t control.

“Scaling up cheap renewables and new nuclear, while maximizing North Sea production, is the best and only way to ensure our energy independence over the coming years,” Business and Energy Secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng, said.

In the immediate term, the UK government is providing around a $12 billion package of support for consumers to manage the rising cost of living. This includes a $200 council tax rebate from April and a further $260 energy bill reduction in October to cut energy bills quickly for most households, while the energy price cap continues to insulate millions of customers from even higher volatile global gas prices.

“Boosting our renewable energy supply is the only way for us to take control of energy prices. We are already a world leader in offshore wind, but we want to go further and faster so that clean, cheap energy becomes the norm.

“Although we don’t rely on energy, accelerating our transition to renewable energy is the best thing we can do to protect the British people and to drive economic growth.

“The strategy follows a series of engagements by the Prime Minister and ministers across government with key industry leaders, including from the oil and gas, wind, and nuclear sectors. The government continues to work with industry in the coming weeks to drive forward these commitments as fast as the industry can deliver,” UK Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Hands added.

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