壳牌重启Prelude FLNG液化天然气设施

   2022-04-12 互联网综合消息





壳牌在一份声明中表示,我们在 Prelude 的重点仍然是长期并为未来提供安全、持续和可靠的性能。

年产360万吨的Prelude FLNG设施于去年12月2日断电,壳牌在尝试了三天后仍无法恢复可靠的电力供应。

壳牌公司上个月获准恢复运营,此前该公司说服了澳大利亚国家海洋石油安全和环境管理局(National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority),称问题已经解决,公司可以在断电的情况下安全运营该设施。

此次为期四个月的停产只是Prelude FLNG自2019年推迟启动以来面临的最新挫折。


Prelude由壳牌、Inpex Corp、韩国天然气公司(KOGAS)等公司共同拥有。

郝芬 译自 OE


Shell Restarts LNG Shipping from Prelude FLNG

Shell Plc said on Monday it has resumed shipping liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its Prelude floating LNG facility off northwest Australia after a four-month shutdown due to a major power failure.

A cargo completed loading and left the site on Sunday night, a Shell spokesperson said, declining to disclose the destination.

"Our focus at Prelude remains on the long-term and delivering safe, sustained and reliable performance into the future," Shell said in a statement.

The 3.6 million-tonnes-a-year Prelude FLNG facility lost power on Dec. 2, and Shell was unable to restore reliable power supply after trying for three days.

Shell was permitted to resume operations last month after convincing the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority that problems had been fixed and the company could run the facility safely in the event of a power loss.  

The four-month shutdown was just the latest setback that Prelude FLNG has faced since its delayed start-up in 2019.

The outage at Prelude was one factor that drove up LNG prices last December. Prices have since rocketed to record highs as Europe has scrambled for gas .

Prelude is co-owned by Shell, Inpex Corp, Korea Gas Corp (KOGAS) 。

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