
   2022-04-12 互联网综合消息




奥里萨邦首席秘书苏雷什·马哈帕特拉(Suresh Mahapatra)在讲话中表示,奥里萨邦从乙醇、太阳能和氢中生产绿色能源的潜力很大。他保证,邦政府将大力推进绿色能源项目,并将为BPCL提供从落地到投产的所有支持。

发展专员Pradeep Jena说,这是一个重要的时刻,像BPCL这样的公司与州政府合作生产可再生绿色能源。他说,奥里萨邦作为金属和石化投资的主要目的地,希望在不同行业生产和利用更多的绿色能源,以遏制碳足迹。Equinor公司Troll地区副总裁Lill H. Brusdal表示:“正如我们在该地区的其他发现一样,我们将考虑将此次发现与Troll B或C平台联系起来。”

BPCL董事长兼总经理Arun Singh强调了对绿色能源日益增长的需求,他说:“奥里萨邦在其创新项目中进行了探索。奥里萨邦的许多地区都有生产太阳能和绿色乙醇能源的巨大潜力。”他感谢州政府对已经实施或正在实施的BPCL项目的便利政策和支持。Arun Singh还表示,希望目前的项目能在规定的时间内达到目标。


季廷伟 摘译自 印度今日新闻


Odisha signs MoU with BPCL for setting up hydrogen plants

Development Commissioner Pradeep Jena said this is a momentous occasion when a company like BPCL has joined hands with the State government for production of renewable green energy.

Norwegian energy group Equinor ASA said Monday that it has made an oil and gas discovery close to the Troll and Fram fields in the North Sea.

As the operator of production license 293 B Equinor said, based on preliminary BHUBANESWAR: The State government on Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) for exploring the feasibilities of setting up green energy and hydrogen plants in the State.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief Secretary Suresh Mahapatra said Odisha has high potential for production of green energy from ethanol, solar and hydrogen. He assured that the State government will push forward the green energy project in a big way and BPCL would be provided all support from grounding to commissioning of the projects.

Development Commissioner Pradeep Jena said this is a momentous occasion when a company like BPCL has joined hands with the State government for production of renewable green energy. He said Odisha as a lead State in metal and petrochemical investment destination would like to produce and utilise more of green energy in different sectors for arresting the carbon foot prints.

Highlighting the growing demand of green energy, Chairman and MD BPCL Arun Singh said, “Odisha figures out in its innovative ventures. Many parts of Odisha has great potential for production of solar and green based ethanol energy.” He thanked the State government for its facilitating policies and support to BPCL projects either implemented or under implementation.Singh expressed hope that the present project would meet its target within the specified time limit.

The MoU envisages exploring feasibility of setting up green energy hydrogen plants both for domestic use and export. Green hydrogen would help in reducing aggregate green house emissions. It would also help Odisha-based heavy industries to supplement their non-fossil power requirement. BPCL targeted to build a renewable energy production capacity of 10 gigawatts comprising a mix of solar, wind, small hydro and biomass by 2040.

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