马国油在印度尼西亚Bukit Tua 2B期项目投产

   2022-04-19 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据NS ENERGY 4月18日消息,马来西亚国家石油公司通过其子公司PC Ketapang II (PCK2L),已经开始在印度尼西

据NS ENERGY 4月18日消息,马来西亚国家石油公司通过其子公司PC Ketapang II (PCK2L),已经开始在印度尼西亚水域的Bukit Tua 2B期项目进行生产。

马来西亚石油天然气公司表示,该项目位于东爪哇海岸附近的第一个碳氢化合物是在钻探 BTJTB-T2井后获得的。


马来西亚国家石油公司称,这个里程碑是继Bukit Tua第1阶段、第2A阶段和第3阶段之后的第四个开发项目的一部分。

该公司在Bukit Tua 2B期项目的目标是通过钻探5口开发井,每天生产1.25万桶石油当量 (boe)和3000万标准立方英尺(mmscf)天然气。

马来西亚国家石油公司执行副总裁兼上游首席执行官Adif Zulkifli表示:“作为一个进步的能源和解决方案合作伙伴,这一成就表明我们致力于为印度尼西亚提供安全可靠的能源供应。”

“Bukit Tua Phase-2B项目的第一个碳氢化合物将发挥重要作用,有助于印度尼西亚到2030年实现每天100万桶石油的目标。”

马来西亚国家石油公司拥有Ketapang区块80%的经营股权,该区块通过PC Ketapang II和另一家子公司Petronas Carigali (Ketapang)持有。Saka Ketapang Perdana拥有海上区块剩余20%的股权。

PC Ketapang II总裁Yuzaini Md Yusof说:“我们为取得这一成就的积极成果以及各方的全力投入感到自豪。我们感谢SKK Migas、地方当局和我们的合作伙伴在整个项目中的大力支持。”

Bukit Tua 2B期项目是Bukit Tua油田的扩建项目,该油田自2015年开始生产。

除了Ketapang区块,马来西亚国家石油公司还在东爪哇近海经营North Madura II生产共享合同(PSC)。该公司还是苏门答腊、纳土纳海、东爪哇和西巴布亚地区其他六个陆上和海上区块的合资伙伴。

祝精燕 摘译自 NS ENERGY


Petronas begins production from Bukit Tua phase-2B project, Indonesia

Petronas, through its subsidiary PC Ketapang II (PCK2L), has started production from the Bukit Tua phase-2B project in Indonesian waters.

The first hydrocarbon from the project located off the coast of East Java was achieved following the drilling of the BTJTB-T2 well, said the Malaysian oil and gas company.

Located within the Ketapang block, the BTJTB-T2 well was spudded in late September 2021. It was drilled with a target depth of 1,890m.

According to Petronas, the milestone is part of the fourth development project following Bukit Tua phase 1, phase 2A, and phase 3.

The company’s target for the Bukit Tua phase-2B project is to produce 12,500 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per day and 30 million standard cubic feet (mmscf) of gas per day via the drilling of five development wells.

Petronas executive vice president and upstream CEO Adif Zulkifli said: “As a progressive energy and solutions partner, this achievement demonstrates our commitment to deliver safe and reliable supply of energy to Indonesia.

“The Bukit Tua Phase-2B project’s first hydrocarbon will play an important role in contributing to Indonesia’s target to achieve one million barrel of oil per day by 2030.”

Petronas has an operating stake of 80% in the Ketapang block, which is held through PC Ketapang II and another subsidiary Petronas Carigali (Ketapang). The remaining stake of 20% in the offshore block is owned by Saka Ketapang Perdana.

PC Ketapang II president director Yuzaini Md Yusof said: “We are proud of the positive results as well as the full commitment from all parties that led us to this achievement. We thank SKK Migas, the local authorities and our partners for their tremendous support throughout the project.”

The Bukit Tua phase-2B project is an expansion of the Bukit Tua oil field, which has been producing since 2015.

Apart from the Ketapang block, Petronas operates the North Madura II production sharing contract (PSC) offshore East Java. The company is also a joint venture partner in six other blocks located onshore as well as offshore in the Sumatera, Natuna Sea, East Java, and West Papua areas.


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