
   2022-05-20 互联网综合消息





现在,随着对石油和天然气需求的恢复,石油和天然气价格也随之回升,一半以上的工作岗位又重新增加了。但根据Rystad Energy油价预测,剩下的复苏将会比较缓慢。Rystad Energy预计,今年WTI均价为106美元/桶,明年为70美元/桶,2025年为50美元/桶。




王佳晶 摘译自 今日油价


Oil, Gas Employment Will Take Five Years To Recover From Covid: Rystad

Oil and gas sector employment is on the road to recovery in the United States after the significant job shedding that took place during the pandemic era. But a full recovery won't be seen for another five years, a new analysis from Rystad Energy showed on Wednesday.

The U.S. oil and gas industry lost 200,000 jobs during the pandemic, according to Rystad calculations. This represented 20% of the total workforce in the sector. In 2020 alone, 100,000 oil and gas jobs were lost in the United States—mostly in the drilling tools and services segment.

Now, as demand for oil and gas has recovered—and oil and gas prices along with it—more than half of those jobs have since been added back. But the remainder of the recovery is set to be slower, based on Rystad Energy's oil price scenario where WTI averages $106 this year, $70 per barrel next year, and $50 per barrel in 2025.

This year, US oil and gas employment is set to grow by 12.5%, Rystad said, finishing the year with 971,000 O&G jobs. By 2027, that figure is set to reach 1.09 million—up from 1.07 million pre-Covid.

Rystad also noted that while the number of jobs is expected to increase by 12.5% this year, wages are only set to grow 2.9% this year, as inflation hits oil and gas company bottom lines.

By 2024, however, this wage growth is expected to increase by 10%.

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