
   2022-05-23 互联网综合消息


核心提示:世界能源理事会(WEC):世界正在见证第一次真正的全球能源冲击 对全球低端收入群体而言,精制石油产品价格增





威尔金森告诉CNBC记者:“我认为这是第一次真正的全球能源危机,这与上世纪70年代的石油危机不同。 这是一场由消费者驱动的危机,由此产生的消费者驱动调整将非常重要。”  


事实上,生活成本高企已经成为世界上一些最富有国家的首要问题。 在英国,由于天然气价格上涨,数百万人陷入了能源匮乏的境地,这促使电力价格进行了不断攀升。 




“最大的挑战将是如何面对无力负担高昂价格和如何保证能源公平的新形势,”威尔金森如是对CNBC记者补充说, “这是一个很大的不确定性,需要政策创新,但也需要国际合作的新方法。”

李峻 编译自 美国油价网


World Sees First Global Energy Shock: World Energy Council

·     World Energy Council: the world is witnessing the first truly global energy shock.

·     Refined products are quickly becoming unaffordable for many in the bottom half of societies.

·     Cost-of-living crisis has become a top issue for some of the wealthiest nations in the world.

The world is experiencing the first global energy shock in its history, the secretary-general of the World Energy Council said this week, expecting the crisis will have a transformational effect on energy consumption.

“I think this is a first global energy shock, this isn’t the same as the 1970s crisis, oil shock crisis. This is a … consumer driven crisis and the consumer-driven adjustments that are going to come out of this are going to be very significant,” Angela Wilkinson told CNBC.

“If you look at the price of … refined products in many parts of the world, they’re now unaffordable for many of the bottom half of societies,” the official also said. “We’re going to have to see some form of massive reallocation of … money coming out of … this crisis. Consumers are really, really hurting.”

Indeed, the cost-of-living crisis has become a top issue for some of the wealthiest nations in the world. In the UK, millions have been plunged into energy poverty by gas price inflation, which has prompted an upward adjustment of electricity prices.

Across the Channel, the EU is also struggling to keep energy affordable while punishing the exported the country with sanctions that ultimately make energy more expensive.

In the United States, gasoline and diesel prices are running at all-time highs, and legislators are trying to arrest this trend by approving a bill that seeks to prevent what its sponsors have dubbed price-gouging on the part of fuel retailers.

In both the U.S. and the UK, inflation remains at the highest in four decades, and it’s not a lot better in the EU. In the developing world, inflation trends are strong, too.

“The biggest challenge is going to be this new context of affordability and energy justice,” Wilkinson told CNBC. “It’s a big uncertainty and it’s going to require policy innovation but it’s also going to require a new approach to international cooperation.”

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