据ENERGY VOICE 6月6日报道,壳牌和日本液化天然气(LNG)买家东京燃气和大阪燃气将共同合作探索在各自生产价值链中加速脱碳的潜在机会。
这些协议包括评估一系列潜在的解决方案,包括氢气、碳捕获、利用和储存 (CCUS)、生物甲烷和基于可再生能源的合成气等。此外,壳牌补充说,壳牌、东京燃气和大阪燃气签署了一份三方附函,共同探索和评估基于可再生能源的合成气的潜力。
Shell teams up with key Japanese LNG buyers to accelerate decarbonisation
Shell and Japanese liquefied natural gas (LNG) buyers Tokyo Gas and Osaka Gas will together explore potential opportunities to accelerate decarbonisation across their respective production value chains.
Shell said today that it has signed separate non-binding memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with its long-standing Japanese LNG buyers.
The agreements include assessing a range of potential solutions including hydrogen, carbon capture, utilisation & storage (CCUS), biomethane and renewables-based synthetic gas among others. In addition, a tripartite side letter has been signed between Shell, Tokyo Gas and Osaka Gas to jointly explore and evaluate the potential of renewables-based synthetic gas, added Shell.
Shell’s target is to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050. Becoming a net-zero emissions business means offering customers more low-carbon products and Shell is working to build scale in decarbonisation technologies globally. Shell has been collaborating with the companies on addressing emissions from the LNG value chain, delivering LNG cargoes with carbon offsets since June 2019 with Tokyo Gas, and since July 2021 with Osaka Gas.