
   2022-06-06 互联网综合消息






Kpler美国首席石油分析师马特•史密斯(Matt Smith)表示,尽管汽油价格创下纪录,但由于隐含需求上升,汽油库存出现下滑;而馏分油库存也出现小幅下滑,因隐含需求略有上升。



数据公布后油价上涨,截至美国东部时间上午 11:32(格林威治标准时间15:32),美国原油上涨1.13 美元、至每桶116.38 美元,布伦特原油上涨96美分、至每桶117.27美元。

郝芬 译自 MRCHUB


U.S. crude, fuel stockpiles fall in tight market

U.S. crude oil and fuel stockpiles fell last week, as demand continued to outstrip supply, with commercial crude inventories drawing down even as more strategic reserves entered the market, said Hydrocarbonprocessing.

Crude inventories fell by 5.1 MM barrels in the week to May 27 to 414.7 MM barrels, compared with analysts' expectations in a Reuters poll for a 1.3 MM-barrel drop. The fall comes even though the U.S. government released more than 5 million barrels of reserves in the most recent week and as net crude imports rose by 83,000 bpd, the EIA said.

Refining runs fell by 236,000 bpd last week, the EIA said, dropping the overall utilization rate 0.6 percentage point to 92.6% nationwide, which is still seasonally strong, as the United States moves into peak summer driving season.

"Gasoline inventories showed a draw as implied demand kicked higher, despite record prices at the pump, while distillate inventories showed a minor draw too amid a tick higher in implied demand," said Matt Smith, lead oil analyst, Americas, at Kpler.

U.S. gasoline stocks were only marginally lower, declining by 711,000 barrels in the week, while distillate stockpiles, which include diesel and heating oil, dipped by 530,000 barrels.

Distillate stocks remain at all-time lows on the U.S. East Coast, which has few refineries and depends on transit from other parts of the United States and foreign imports. Refining use on the East Coast is running at more than 98%, highest in nearly four years.

Oil prices moved up after the data, with U.S. crude gaining USD1.13, or 1%, to USD116.38 a barrel, and Brent up 96 cents to USD117.27 a barrel as of 11:32 a.m. EDT (1532 GMT).

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