
   2022-06-06 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据能源网6月3日休斯敦报道,根据Refinitiv Eikon的数据显示,美国上月出口了729万吨液化天然气(LNG),为

据能源网6月3日休斯敦报道,根据Refinitiv Eikon的数据显示,美国上月出口了729万吨液化天然气LNG,为历史第二高水平,由于对欧洲和南美的销售有所增加。




全球风投液化天然气公司(Venture Global LNG Inc.)位于路易斯安那州卡梅伦教区(Cameron Parish)的新Calcasieu Pass终端的新增产能,以及美国最大出口商切尼尔能源(Cheniere Energy)股份有限公司的产量提高,推动了液化天然气出口。



雷斯塔能源分析师Lu Ming Pang上周在给客户的一份报告中表示,所有因素保持不变——例如大国不再向欧洲输送天然气——我们可能会看到液化天然气船从该地区重新平衡,这已成为液化天然气的黑洞——吸引所有可用的货物。



郝芬 译自 能源网


May U.S. LNG exports reach 2nd highest as Latam shipments gain -data -Reuters

The United States exported 7.29 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) last month, second highest on record, as sales to Europe and South America expanded, according to Refinitiv Eikon data.

The United States is on track to become the world’s largest LNG exporter this year, topping Australia and Qatar, as producers work to boost liquefaction capacity.

The volume exported in May was up from 6.93 million tonnes in April, and 12% more than a year earlier, according to preliminary Eikon data, based on vessel tracking. The record was 7.67 million tonnes in March.

U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports decreased about 8% last month, according to preliminary Refinitiv data, with shipments to Europe continuing to dominate.

LNG exports are getting a boost from additional capacity from Venture Global LNG Inc’s new Calcasieu Pass terminal in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and higher production at top U.S. exporter Cheniere Energy Inc.

The growth has some big consumers raising concerns over natural gas prices and production in the United States. Gas producers would have to accelerate output to accommodate growth in LNG exports without creating shortages for domestic consumers.

U.S. LNG producers in May sent almost two-thirds of total cargoes to Europe as customers demanded more in anticipation of reductions in the world's largest oil producer's

gas supplies, a trend since early 2022. Exports to Asia represented 15% of total, the data showed.However, demand in Europe is expected to ease soon as inventories build and winter heating season ends, paving way for more U.S. shipments to Asia and other destinations.

“All factors remaining constant – such as no further cuts in Russian gas to Europe – we may see a rebalance of LNG vessels away from the region, which has become a black hole for LNG – drawing in all and every available cargo,” Rystad Energy analyst Lu Ming Pang said in a note to clients last week.

As the winter started in the Southern Hemisphere, an increasing number of U.S. LNG cargoes headed last month to South America and the Caribbean, with Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Dominican Republic as main destinations.

LNG producer Peru also ramped up exports to Europe in May, while shipments from Trinidad and Tobago fell for a third consecutive month.

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