
   2022-06-06 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据能源网2022年6月1日墨西哥城报道,据美国彭博新闻社旗下的研究机构彭博经济(Bloomberg Economics)估计,

据能源网2022年6月1日墨西哥城报道,据美国彭博新闻社旗下的研究机构彭博经济(Bloomberg Economics)估计,目前墨西哥的汽油和柴油补贴是石油生产商从原油价格上涨中获得的额外利润的两倍多,这表明墨西哥保持廉价国内燃料需求的负担越来越重。 




李峻 编译自 能源网


Mexico Fuel Subsidy Is Now Costing More Than Oil Export Profits

Mexico’s gasoline and diesel subsidies are now costing the government more than double the extra profit the oil producer gets from higher crude prices, according to estimates by Bloomberg Economics, a sign of the growing burden to keep its cheap domestic fuel plea.

Gasoline and diesel subsidies are expected to total about $2.39 billion during May amid a global fuel price rally, while the windfall from the state-owned oil company’s crude exports is likely to be less than half of that, at $1.04 billion, according to calculations by Bloomberg Economics’s Felipe Hernandez. 

A spokesperson from the Finance Ministry didn’t respond to a request for comment. Finance Minister had told Bloomberg News in March that the government has legroom to provide energy tax relief even if the cost of gasoline and diesel rises as Mexico also benefits from higher oil revenue. 

Mexico is a major crude exporter, shipping about one million barrels of oil a day to clients from Japan to India. It boasts six local refineries in operation, another in the US that contributes to the national refining system, and an eighth under construction. While the government’s goal is to eventually produce all of the nation’s fuel, the plants have suffered from chronic underinvestment and Pemex, as the national oil company is known, is still dependent on foreign gasoline for almost half of its domestic sales.

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