据《能源年》6月14日伦敦报道,国家监管公司北海管理局(North Sea Transition Authority)今天宣布,该机构启动了英国有史以来第一轮碳存储许可招标,有13个地区参与投标。
郝芬 译自 《能源年》
UK opens first carbon storage licensing round
The North Sea Transition Authority has launched the UK’s first-ever carbon storage licensing round with 13 areas up for bid, the state-supervised company announced today.
The group has offered licences in Aberdeen, Teesside, Liverpool and Lincolnshire in the Southern North Sea, Central North Sea, Northern North Sea, and East Irish Sea.
Along with previously handed out licences, the UK has the potential to store 20 million-30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2030.
Applications will be accepted for 30 days, and awards are expected in 2023.