
   2022-07-21 互联网综合消息







胡鹏 摘译自 今日油价网


The Green Ammonia Boom Is Coming

Green ammonia is a little-known contender to become a major renewable fuel over the coming decades. It has around nine times the energy of lithium-ion batteries and its denser nature makes it easier to transport than liquid hydrogen. As oil majors race to find innovative renewable energy alternatives, green ammonia is gaining more international attention for its potential as an emissions-free fuel.  

One of the industries considering the use of ammonia to decarbonize is the maritime sector, which could use the fuel to help meet its climate targets. It could also be used as a means of storing renewable energy for delayed use, as well as transported to be cracked for its hydrogen content. 

Ammonia is now being produced and shipped around the world as companies recognize its potential. Last month, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) sold ammonia, produced using natural gas, to the Japanese oil company Inpex. It was deemed ‘clean ammonia’ as the CO2 emitted during its production was sequestered using carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, to be injected into onshore oil fields in Abu Dhabi.

This is the first time the renewable fuel has been transported between the Middle East and Japan, thanks to the IHI Corporation and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) connection between the regions. INPEX is hoping to establish three or more ammonia projects by the end of the decade to produce around 100,000 tonnes of hydrogen/ammonia annually to help meet its climate targets. It also hopes to establish a resilient supply chain between Japan and Abu Dhabi, recognizing the emirate as a core business area.

Other regions are also seeing the potential for green ammonia as countries explore a variety of renewable sources to decarbonize their transport and other sectors. Experts believe that green ammonia could be key to the success of the European Commission’s REPowerEU strategy, which aims at 20 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen. At present, the ammonia sector in the E.U. region uses around 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year, predominantly as a feedstock for fertilizers. This demonstrates the potential for new renewable energy projects to power the production of ammonia.  

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