据安迅思能源7月20日消息称,道达尔能源今天与Sonatrach、西方石油和埃尼签署了一份为期25年的生产分成合同,该合同将用于阿尔及利亚东部Berkine盆地的陆上404a和208 区块。
根据阿尔及利亚新油气法,Berkine资产的新合同标志着与Sonatrach战略伙伴关系的新里程碑。道达尔能源中东和北非勘探与生产高级副总裁Laurent Vivier评论道:“该项目符合公司开发低成本石油的战略,同时有助于减少碳足迹,减少我们的碳足迹。”
曹海斌 摘译自 安迅思能源
TotalEnergies signed a new production sharing contract with Sonatrach
TotalEnergies signed today with Sonatrach, Occidental and Eni an extension of its Production Sharing Contract for a period of 25 years for onshore Blocks 404a and 208 in the Berkine basin, in Eastern Algeria, sai the company.
This contract, signed under the new Algerian Hydrocarbon Law published in 2019, will allow to develop additional liquids hydrocarbon resources, while reducing these fields carbon intensity through a dedicated carbon reduction program. The opportunity to develop and valorize associated gas resources will be studied by the partners, thus increasing export potential towards Europe.
“This new contract on Berkine asset, under the Algerian new Hydrocarbon Law, marks a new milestone in the strategic partnership with Sonatrach. This project is in line with the Company’s strategy to develop low-cost oil while contributing to carbon reduction programs to minimize our carbon footprint”, commented Laurent Vivier, Senior Vice President Middle East and North Africa, Exploration & Production at TotalEnergies.