由于欧洲供应链紧张 道达尔能源在丹麦主要气田的重启延迟

   2022-08-05 互联网综合消息







“我们认真对待丹麦和欧洲当前的能源危机。因此,我们正在海上调动大量额外资源,以便我们能够弥补造船厂发生的延误并使Tyra投入运营。”道达尔能源丹麦区域总裁Martin Rune Pedersen在一份声明中说。


丹麦能源署副署长Martin Hansen对路透表示:“不幸的是,推迟重建Tyra将延长我们对欧洲市场天然气的依赖。”



黎泱 编译自 油价网


Restart Of Denmark’s Key Gas Field Delayed As Europe Scrambles For Supply

The restart of the redeveloped Tyra gas field offshore Denmark has been delayed by at least several months to the end of 2023 or early 2024 due to supply chain delays from the pandemic, field operator TotalEnergies said on Wednesday.

The project was initially planned to be completed this year and start production in the second quarter of 2023. Now the start-up date has been pushed back to the fourth quarter of 2023 at the earliest as TotalEnergies says now that the restart could only begin in the winter of 2023/2024.

Supply chains and staffing at the Batam yard in Indonesia continued to be affected by the ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of 2022, TotalEnergies said. At the same time, a number of unexpected challenges in construction and regarding key components have created further delays, said the French supermajor, which leads the consortium at the Tyra gas field redevelopment.

“We take the current energy crisis in Denmark and Europe seriously. Therefore, we are mobilizing significant additional resources offshore so that we can compensate for the delays that have occurred at the shipyard and put Tyra into operation,” Martin Rune Pedersen, Country Chair Denmark at TotalEnergies, said in a statement.

The delay of up to nine months means that Denmark will continue to be dependent on natural gas supply from Germany, and consequently from the larger producer, for longer than it thought it would be.

“Unfortunately, the delay in rebuilding Tyra will prolong our dependence on gas from the European market,” Martin Hansen, deputy director of the Danish Energy Agency, told Reuters.

“For a period we will be more exposed in the event of reductions in the gas supply from Germany,” he noted.

Further north, Norway approved last month plans for three gas field developments that will further increase production from the Norwegian Continental Shelf in the short to medium term. The move came days after Norway’s authorities approved applications from operators to boost production from several operating gas fields.  

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