
   2022-08-22 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据管道新闻网8月18日消息称,Tellurian Inc.子公司Tellurian生产公司(TPC) 周四表示,它已完成此前宣布的

据管道新闻网8月18日消息称,Tellurian Inc.子公司Tellurian生产公司(TPC) 周四表示,它已完成此前宣布的对海恩斯维尔盆地资产的收购,出售方为私人持有的EnSight IV Energy Partners, LLC和EnSight Haynesville Partners LLC。

7 月,TPC同意支付1.325 亿美元从 EnSight 购买天然气资产,EnSight的资产包括约5000英亩的净产量、目前净产量约为4500万立方英尺/天(100%为天然气),30个总钻井点和约1080亿立方英尺的天然气探明储量。


随着对EnSight的收购完成,TPC目前在海恩斯维尔盆地的资产产量约为1.5亿立方英尺/天 (MMcf/d)。此外,TPC 经营着11口目前正在钻探或已完井的井,所有这些井预计将在今年年底前开始销售。

曹海斌 摘译自 管道新闻网


Tellurian Completes $126 Million Acquisition of Haynesville Natural Gas Assets

Tellurian Inc. subsidiary Tellurian Production LLC (TPC) said on Thursday it has closed the previously announced acquisition of certain assets in the Haynesville from privately held EnSight IV Energy Partners, LLC and EnSight Haynesville Partners LLC.

In July, TPC agreed to pay up to $132.5 million to purchase the natural gas assets from EnSight, whose assets comprised about 5,000 net acres, roughly 45 MMcf/d (100% natural gas) of current net production, 30 gross drilling locations and roughly 108 Bcf of natural gas proved reserves.

Additionally, these assets included 44 producing wells and five wells in progress at the time the deal was announced.

With the closing of the EnSight acquisition, TPC has current production of approximately 150 million cubic feet/day (MMcf/d) from assets in the Haynesville Basin. In addition, TPC operates 11 wells currently being drilled or completed, all of which TPC expects to turn to sales before the end of the year.

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