
   2022-09-02 互联网综合消息




所讨论的两个项目是Hywind Tampen和Dogger Bank,这两个项目都位于北海,Equinor在那里拥有十多年的海上风电场运营经验。


Equinor可再生能源执行副总裁Pål Eitrheim表示,像Dogger Bank和Hywind Tampen这样的可再生大型项目即将启动,这使Equinor能够推动可再生能源进入欧洲市场。Trollvind和Utsira Nord等新项目有可能加深挪威在使浮动海上风电具有竞争力且价格合理方面的领先地位。

Equinor的海上风电投资组合正在取得进展,目前有几个项目正在建设中,将在未来几年投入生产。在这种高活动水平下,供应链开发并不短缺,特别是因为Equinor的重点是为东道社区创造当地经济价值和就业机会。在Hywind Tampen,挪威供应商已获得约60%的合同价值。

一旦Hywind Tampen建成,它将是第一个为石油和天然气平台提供电力的浮动风电场,也是世界上最大的浮动风电场。第一条海底电缆铺设完成,并于近期与Gullfaks A进行了连接,这是一个重要的里程碑。根据计划,首批7台Hywind Tampen涡轮机将于今年投产,最后4台将于明年春天安装。

Dogger Bank项目正在向前推进,并在2022年7月安装首批地基时,达到了一个重要的里程碑。第一次发电预计将于2023年下半年开始,Dogger Bank A、B、C分别将于2024年、2025年、2026开始商业运营。

挪威国家石油公司北海可再生能源高级副总裁Trine Borum Bojsen补充道,北海是Equinor海上风电业务的基石,在未来许多年中,它将是欧洲发电的关键枢纽中心。凭借Dogger Bank和Hywind Tampen,我们正在积累超过15年的风电场经验和50年在北海恶劣环境中运营的经验。我们的第一个海上风电场,苏格兰Hywind,几年来已达到英国所有风电场的最高平均容量因数,并且由于预计海上风电场将在未来海上风电行业中发挥关键作用,Equinor凭借我们的经验处于独一无二的位置。



郝芬 译自 钻机地带


Equinor Preparing To Start Up Two Major Wind Projects

Equinor is close to first power from the world’s first floating wind farm to power offshore oil and gas platforms and the start-up of the world’s largest wind farm.

The two projects in question are Hywind Tampen and Dogger Bank, both located in the North Sea where Equinor has more than ten years of experience operating offshore wind farms.

“The North Sea will continue to play a key role in Europe’s energy transition and security towards 2050. The region is expanding from oil and gas production into a broad energy province utilizing world-class offshore wind resources. The North Sea is uniquely positioned to help meet European objectives of reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy supplies.”

“Renewable mega-projects like Dogger Bank and Hywind Tampen are nearing start-up, enabling Equinor to boost renewable energy to the European market. New projects such as Trollvind and Utsira Nord have the potential to deepen Norway’s lead in making floating offshore wind competitive and affordable,” says Pål Eitrheim, executive vice president for Renewables at Equinor.

Equinor’s offshore wind portfolio is progressing with several projects currently under construction that will be put into production in the coming years. With this high activity level, there is no shortage of supply chain development, particularly as Equinor’s focus is on creating local economic value and jobs for host communities. At Hywind Tampen, Norwegian suppliers have secured about 60 percent of the contract value.

once Hywind Tampen is completed, it will both be the first floating wind farm to supply electricity to oil and gas platforms, and also the world's largest floating wind farm. An important milestone was reached when the first subsea cables were laid, and the connection was made to Gullfaks A recently. The seven first Hywind Tampen turbines will come on stream this year according to plan and the final four will be installed next spring.

The Dogger Bank project is moving forward and reached an important milestone when the first foundations were installed in July 2022. First power is expected in the second half of 2023, with commercial operations beginning in 2024 for Dogger Bank A, 2025 for Dogger Bank B, and 2026 for Dogger Bank C respectively.

“The North Sea is a cornerstone for Equinor’s offshore wind business and will be a key hub for power generation for Europe for many years to come. With Dogger Bank and Hywind Tampen we are building on more than 15 years of wind farm experience and 50 years of experience operating in the harsh environments of the North Sea.”

“Our first floating offshore wind farm, Hywind Scotland, has for several years reached the highest average capacity factor for any wind farm in the UK, and with floating wind anticipated to play a key role in the offshore wind industry of the future, Equinor is uniquely placed with our learnings,” added Trine Borum Bojsen, SVP for North Sea Renewables at Equinor.

Equinor and partners recently launched Trollvind, a 1 GW floating offshore wind farm outside Bergen with a potential start-up of operations in 2027. Power from Trollvind will make a solid contribution to the electrification of oil and gas installations, deliver extra power to the Bergen region, and accelerate offshore wind development in Norway.

Equinor added that increasing the size of wind farms was key to industrializing floating offshore wind and reducing costs. Transferring offshore wind power to shore, as the Trollvind concept, will enable the possibility to build a larger wind farm than one directly connected to oil and gas installations offshore.

Bringing the power to shore also promotes more efficient power utilization through better interaction with regulated hydropower and onshore industry. Increased access to power in this area also means improved security of supply for the oil and gas installations. Trollvind is in a geographical area that is well known by the industry and the concept is now being further matured aiming at an investment decision during 2023.

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