
   2022-09-16 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据世界天然气9月13日消息称,研究和咨询公司Westwood Global Energy Group的最新分析显示,蓝色氢项目占英

据世界天然气9月13日消息称,研究和咨询公司Westwood Global Energy Group的最新分析显示,蓝色氢项目占英国和挪威宣布的氢总容量超过16吉瓦,相当于相同氢项目总数的约90%地区。仅英国就占13吉瓦的容量。


Westwood能源转型主管David Linden表示:“尽管西北欧正在开发大量海上风电项目,但氢气项目正以无与伦比的速度涌现。蓝色氢开发的规模使其成为确保实现2030年地区目标的必要条件。事实上,如果所有项目都能实现计划启动日期,英国目前已宣布的项目产能将超过目标。”

曹海斌 摘译自 世界天然气


Blue Hydrogen Projects Projected to Exceed 2030 Targets in UK

The latest analysis from research and consultancy firm Westwood Global Energy Group showed that blue hydrogen projects account for over 16 GW of total announced hydrogen capacity in the U.K. and Norway, equivalent to approximately 90% of the hydrogen projects total for the same region. The U.K. alone accounts for 13 GW capacity.

Further analysis shows that although there are four times the number of green hydrogen projects than blue, projected hydrogen capacity will largely be driven by the latter. This will be a key catalyst in the development of hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS) clusters.

“Although considerable offshore wind projects are developing in Northwest Europe, hydrogen projects are emerging at an unrivalled pace,” David Linden, head of energy transition at Westwood, said. “The scale of blue hydrogen developments makes them a necessity to ensure 2030 regional targets are met – in fact, the current pipeline of announced capacity for UK projects would exceed targets if all achieved their planned start-up dates.”

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