
   2022-09-22 互联网综合消息




由韩国锌业、化工集团韩华公司(petrochemicals group Hanwha Impact Corp)、SK Gas等组成的“Han-Ho氢能财团”计划在澳大利亚昆士兰州的柯林斯维尔建设3吉瓦的可再生能源电力。




韩国锌业副董事Yun B. Choi在昆士兰州政府发布的声明中表示,我们期待与我们的合作伙伴合作,释放澳大利亚成为绿色氢及其衍生物(包括绿色氨)的大型生产国和出口国的潜力。

韩国锌业公司位于昆士兰的清洁能源部门Ark Energy表示,3吉瓦的新可再生能源产能是降低绿色氢和氨成本的关键,因为能源成本约占产品成本的一半。

Ark Energy首席执行官丹尼尔·金在直播媒体会议上对记者表示,这种规模是前所未有的,但它绝对是支持绿色氢作为绿色氨出口原料的工业规模生产的基础。未来还有很多挑战,包括所有氢的成本曲线都令人望而却步。


郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Korean firms to set up green energy export hub in Australia

Three major South Korean groups said they hope to build a green energy export hub in Australia's Queensland state, aiming to produce a million tonnes of green ammonia annually for export by 2032.

The Han-Ho Hydrogen Consortium, launched by Korea Zinc, petrochemicals group Hanwha Impact Corp and SK Gas, plans to build up to 3 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity in Collinsville in Queensland.

That electricity would be used to power electrolysers that split water and produce green hydrogen, which would then be used to produce ammonia for export to South Korea, the Queensland government and the companies said.

The statement did not mention an estimated cost for the huge project.

Green ammonia is considered a key alternative to coal in power generation and is seen as the best way to ship green hydrogen, which could be used as a transport fuel as well as in steel-making down the track.

"We look forward to working with our partners to unlock Australia's potential to become a large-scale producer and exporter of green hydrogen and its derivatives including green ammonia," Korea Zinc Vice Chairman Yun B. Choi said in the statement released by the Queensland government.

Ark Energy, Korea Zinc's Queensland-based clean energy arm, said the 3 GW of new renewable energy capacity was key to bringing down the cost of green hydrogen and ammonia, as the energy cost makes up about half of the cost of the products.

"The scale of this is unprecedented, but it's absolutely fundamental to underpin the industrial scale production of green hydrogen as a feedstock for green ammonia exports," Ark Energy Chief Executive Daniel Kim told reporters in a livestreamed media conference.

"There are many challenges ahead, including very prohibitive cost curves for all things hydrogen," he said.

The consortium aims to make a final investment decision around 2027 or 2028, with construction expected to take around four years, Kim said.

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