
   2022-09-28 互联网综合消息



据管道&天然气杂志网9月26日报道,据《澳大利亚金融评论报》周一晚间报道,桑托斯公司已同意以11亿美元的价格将巴布亚新几内亚液化天然气(PNG LNG)5%的股份出售给巴布亚新几内亚国有的Kumul石油公司,该交易将于周二宣布。


桑托斯在8月份表示,它预计将从出售PNG LNG 5%的股份中获得收益,“符合市场普遍的估值”,约为15亿美元。

此前有猜测称,桑托斯面临着将5%的PNG液化天然气转让给Kumul石油公司的压力,但桑托斯首席执行官Kevin Gallagher在8月份对路透社表示,谁想得到这5%的股份,谁就会付出市场价值……否则我们就不会卖了。

桑托斯去年收购了Oil Search,成为巴布亚新几内亚最大资源项目PNG LNG的最大股东。

随着5%股份的抛售,桑托斯将拥有37.5%的股份,仍领先于运营商埃克森美孚公司(Exxon Mobil Corp.) 的33.2%。Kumul石油公司将拥有21.8%的股份。其余股份由日本JX控股公司旗下的子公司和巴新国有矿产资源开发公司拥有。

出售PNG LNG股份是澳大利亚第二大独立天然气生产商今年拟出售的三项资产之一,旨在筹集多达30亿美元。


郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


Report: Santos to Sell 5% Stake in PNG LNG for $1.1 Billion

Santos Ltd. has agreed to sell a 5% stake in PNG LNG to Papua New Guinea's state-owned Kumul Petroleum for $1.1 billion in a deal to be announced on Tuesday, the Australian Financial Review reported late on Monday.

Santos declined to confirm the report. Kumul Petroleum could not be reached outside office hours.

Santos said in August it expected to reap proceeds from the sale of a 5% stake in PNG LNG "in line with market consensus valuation", which was around $1.5 billion.

There had been some speculation that Santos was under pressure to give away 5% of PNG LNG to Kumul Petroleum, but Santos CEO Kevin Gallagher told Reuters in August: "Whoever is going to get 5% off us will pay the market value ... or we wouldn't sell it."

Santos became the largest shareholder in PNG LNG, Papua New Guinea's largest resource project, with its takeover of Oil Search last year.

With the selldown of 5%, Santos will own 37.5%, still ahead of Exxon Mobil Corp., the operator, with 33.2%. Kumul Petroleum will own 21.8%. The remainder is owned by a unit of Japan's JX Holdings Inc and PNG state-owned Mineral Resources Development Co.

The PNG LNG stake was one of three assets Australia's no.2 independent gas producer put up for sale this year aiming to raise up to $3 billion.

However, it pulled the sale of a stake in the Pikka oil project in Alaska after failing to find a buyer at the right price. Plans to sell a stake in the Dorado oil project in Australia are on hold as Santos indefinitely delayed final approval for the development.

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