
   2022-09-19 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据美国钻井网站2022年9月15日报道,丹麦马士基供应服务公司的新产品ECO Offshore在实现碳中和运营方面又迈

据美国钻井网站2022年9月15日报道,丹麦马士基供应服务公司的新产品ECO Offshore在实现碳中和运营方面又迈进了重要一步。这个新产品是在低碳生物燃料与船用轻油混合试验成功后推出的。据马士基供应服务公司介绍,这个新产品能够减少海上作业的碳排放。

马士基供应服务公司首席商务官Jonas Munch Agerskov表示:“我们很高兴能够用我们的新产品ECO Offshore为客户的脱碳之路提供支持。马士基供应服务公司致力于尽我们所能促进海上油气行业的绿色转型,既减少我们自身的碳足迹,也帮助我们的客户实现业务和价值链的脱碳。”

马士基供应服务公司的新产品ECO Offshore使用加氢处理植物油(HVO),这是一种安全、可持续的生物燃料,可以取代传统的化石燃料,不会对食物来源造成伤害或消耗,并提供与传统燃料相同的性能。马士基供应服务公司将在其全球船队中使用这种生物燃料,将减少的碳排放传递给购买我们新产品ECO Offshore的客户。”

去年,与荷兰绿色科技初创公司The Ocean Cleanup合作,在锚处理船Maersk Tender上成功进行了生物燃料试验。在太平洋的一次海上清洁租船中,生物燃料被混合到船用轻油中,导致在六周的包租中减少了38.95吨的碳排放。该试验证实了这种生物燃料是一种可行的替代燃料,它在安全性和性能上不会打折扣,而且不需要额外的培训或船舶升级。

马士基供应服务公司首席运营官Mark Handin表示:“绿色转型是我们战略的核心,我们已经制定了雄心勃勃的目标,以实现我们的业务和船队的脱碳。我们正在探索实现这一目标的许多举措和解决方案,而生物燃料无疑在我们实现2040年净零运营目标的路线图中发挥着重要作用。因此,新产品ECO Offshore对我们来说是一个令人兴奋的进步。”

李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


Maersk Supply Service Trials Carbon-Neutral Biofuel

Maersk Supply Service has made a step further towards carbon-neutral operation with its new product, ECO Offshore. The product is launched at the back of a successful trial of a blend of low-carbon biofuel with marine gasoil aboard its vessels. The product enables a reduction of carbon emissions from offshore operations, according to the company.

“We are delighted to be able to support our customers’ decarbonization journeys with ECO Offshore. Maersk Supply Service is committed to doing what we can to facilitate a green transition in the offshore industry, both by reducing our own carbon footprint and by enabling our customers to decarbonise their operations and value chain,” says Jonas Munch Agerskov, Chief Commercial Officer at Maersk Supply Service.

ECO Offshore uses Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), a safe, sustainable biofuel that replaces conventional fossil fuels without causing harm or depletion to food sources and provides the same performance as conventional fuels. Maersk Supply Service will use the biofuel across its global fleet, passing on the carbon reductions to customers purchasing ECO Offshore.

In 2021, biofuel was successfully trialed aboard the anchor handler Maersk Tender, in partnership with the Dutch green-tech start-up, The Ocean Cleanup. During an ocean-cleaning charter in the Pacific Ocean, biofuel was blended into the marine gasoil, leading to a carbon emissions saving of 38.95 metric tons for the six-week charter. The trial confirmed the biofuel as a viable alternative that does not compromise on safety or performance, and does not require additional training or vessel upgrades.

“The green transition is at the heart of our strategy and we have set ambitious targets to decarbonize our operations and our fleet. We are exploring many initiatives and solutions to achieve this and biofuel certainly plays an important role in the roadmap to our 2040 target of net-zero operations. ECO Offshore therefore represents an exciting step forward for us,” says Mark Handin, Chief Operating Officer at Maersk Supply Service.

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