
   2022-09-26 互联网综合消息








Irena总干事Francesco La Camera表示,可再生能源就业仍具弹性,并且已被证明是一个可靠的创造就业机会的引擎。我对世界各国政府的建议是推行鼓励在国内扩大体面的可再生能源就业的产业政策。刺激国内价值链不仅会为人民和当地社区创造商机和新的就业机会。还增强了供应链的可靠性,并有助于提高整体能源安全。







郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Global renewable energy jobs soar to 12.7 m in 2021 despite Covid

Worldwide employment in renewable energy reached 12.7 million last year, a jump of 700,000 new jobs in one year, despite the lingering effects of Covid-9 and the growing energy crisis, according to the "Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2022" report.

The report identifies domestic market size as a major factor influencing employment generation in renewables, along with labour and other costs.

Solar energy was found to be the fastest-growing sector. In 2021 it provided 4.3 million jobs, more than a third of the current global workforce in renewable energy.

The new report was published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), during the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in Pittsburgh, US.

With rising concerns about climate change, Covid-19 recovery and supply chain disruption, national interest is growing in localising supply chains and creating jobs at home. The report describes how strong domestic markets are key to anchoring a drive toward clean energy industrialisation. Developing renewable technology export capabilities is also dependent on this, it adds.

Francesco La Camera, Irena’s Director-General, said, "Renewable energy jobs remain resilient, and have been proven to be a reliable job creation engine. My advice to governments around the world is to pursue industrial policies that encourage the expansion of decent renewables jobs at home. Spurring a domestic value chain will not only create business opportunities and new jobs for people and local communities. It also bolsters supply chain reliability and contributes to more energy security overall."

The report shows that an increasing number of countries are creating jobs in renewables. Almost two-thirds of all these jobs are in Asia. China alone accounts for 42 percent of the global total, followed by the EU and Brazil with ten percent each, and the USA and India with seven percent each.

ILO Director-General Guy Ryder said: "There is a growing focus on the quality of jobs and the conditions of work in renewable energies, to ensure decent and productive employment. 

"I encourage governments, workers’ and employers’ organisations to remain firmly committed to a sustainable energy transition, which is indispensable for the future of work," he stated.

The report highlights some notable regional and national developments. These include Southeast Asian countries becoming major solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing hubs and biofuel producers. 

China is the pre-eminent manufacturer and installer of solar PV panels and is creating a growing number of jobs in offshore wind. India added more than 10 Gigawatts of solar PV, generating many installation jobs, but remains heavily dependent on imported panels.

Europe now accounts for about 40% of the world’s wind manufacturing output and is the most important exporter of wind power equipment; it is trying to reconstitute its solar PV manufacturing industry. 

Africa’s role is still limited, but the report points out that there are growing job opportunities in decentralised renewables, especially in support of local commerce, agriculture, and other economic activities.

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