据《能源年》10月7日温特和克报道,加拿大独立石油公司Sintana能源公司日前宣布,美国超级巨头雪佛龙公司与其签署了一项协议,将获得纳米比亚近海Orange Basin PEL 90油气区块的多数股权。
根据该协议,雪佛龙的子公司雪佛龙纳米比亚勘探公司将从Sintana能源公司的纳米比亚子公司Trago Energy获得该许可区80%的股份,该公司将保留10%的股份。
郝芬 译自 《能源年》
Chevron joins exploration boom in Namibia
US super-major Chevron has signed a deal with Sintana Energy for a majority share in the PEL 90 oil and gas play in the Orange Basin offshore Namibia, the Canadian independent announced today.
Under the deal, Chevron’s subsidiary Chevron Namibia Exploration will take an 80% share in the licence from Sintana Energy’s Namibian subsidiary Trago Energy, which will retain a 10% share.
Chevron will lead exploration activities including 3D seismic studies and drilling of an initial exploration well.
Cost of the transaction was not disclosed.
The deepwater asset lies in Block 2813B just north of the TotalEnergies-operated Venus play, which hit a significant discovery in February 2022.