
   2022-10-12 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油气新闻网10月10日报道,全球绿色能源公司Fortescue Future Industries(FFI)和Tree Energy Solutions

据油气新闻网10月10日报道,全球绿色能源公司Fortescue Future Industries(FFI)和Tree Energy Solutions(TES)已同意开发世界上最大的绿色氢集成项目,以帮助欧洲缓解当前的能源和气候危机,并将绿色分子带到欧洲。






TES首席执行官Marco Alverá表示,我们很高兴宣布这一合作关系,这标志着在提供可扩展、可负担得起的绿色氢以及确保可再生能源生产方面的一个新里程碑。该协议是将TES打造为世界领先的氢能源公司之一的又一块基石,该公司将以最具成本效益、最具银行价值和最可扩展的绿色替代当今化石燃料,加速能源转型。

Fortescue Future Industries执行董事长兼创始人安德鲁·福雷斯博士表示,英国和欧洲迫切需要绿色能源解决方案来取代化石燃料。这一重要投资将有助于实现这一目标。不是2050年,而是四年后。

FFI首席执行官Mark Hutchinson表示,这项投资支持了Fortescue与德国最大能源分销商E.ON的供应协议交付。今年3月,公司宣布,从21世纪中期开始,将向德国供应500万吨绿色氢气。

郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Green hydrogen firms to help Europe mitigate its energy

Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and Tree Energy Solutions (TES) have agreed to develop the world’s largest green hydrogen integrated project to help Europe mitigate its current energy and climate crisis and to bring green molecules to Europe.

The partnership will see the companies work collaboratively to address the significant dual challenges of energy security and energy transition. Together, FFI and TES will develop industrial scale green hydrogen production globally with an initial focus on Australia, Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Further they will combine FFI’s market leading expertise in developing large scale renewable energy production, with TES’s unique sustainable business model and access to the European green hydrogen market.

To provide immediate energy security for Europe, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection recently selected TES to jointly develop and implement Germany's fifth Floating Storage Regasification Unit in Wilhelmshaven. In parallel, the TES terminal will serve as the primary entry point for clean, safe, affordable and abundant energy in Europe, as well as a catalyst for a circular carbon economy.

TES will import green hydrogen in the form of renewable natural gas, which is economical, easy to transport and store, as it can leverage existing global energy infrastructure along the value chain. The CO2 will serve as a carrier: when the gas reaches Germany, it will be captured and transported back to the supply location, where the hydrogen is produced, in a circular, closed-loop zero-carbon system. 

This new collaboration with FFI demonstrates TES’ commitment to make its contribution to the global energy transition by accelerating the import and production of green molecules as a lower cost alternative to today’s fossil fuels. TES offers a unique model to convert large amounts of renewable electrons from sunny and windy locations into the most affordable renewable gas.

Marco Alverà, CEO of TES, said:” We are delighted to announce this partnership which marks a new milestone in delivering scalable, affordable green hydrogen as well as securing renewable energy production. This agreement is another stepping stone in building TES as one of the leading hydrogen players in the world to accelerate the energy transition with the most cost-effective, bankable and scalable green alternative to today’s fossil fuels.”

Dr Andrew Forrest, Executive Chairman and Founder of Fortescue Future Industries, said: “The UK and Europe urgently need green energy solutions to replace fossil fuels. This important investment will help to do exactly that. Not in 2050, in four years from now.

Mark Hutchinson,FFI CEO, said: “This investment supports the delivery of Fortescue’s supply agreement with E.ON, Germany’s largest energy distributor. In March this year we announced we would supply 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen to Germany, commencing from mid-decade.”

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