
   2022-10-25 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油气新闻网10月24日报道, 阿曼成立了阿曼能源发展公司(Energy Development Oman SAOC,EDO)的全资子公

据油气新闻网10月24日报道, 阿曼成立了阿曼能源发展公司(Energy Development Oman SAOC,EDO)的全资子公司Hydrom,以实现其成为全球最大的绿色氢生产商之一的目标,目标是到2030年生产达100万吨绿氢。



阿曼能源发展部首席执行官Mazin Al-Lamki表示,我们很高兴地宣布EDO的全资自主型子公司Hydrom的新品牌标识。与雄心勃勃的政府计划相配合,Hydrom将利用阿曼国的地理位置和丰富的太阳能和风能资源生产绿色氢气,并支持政府减少碳足迹和实现脱碳目标的努力。

Hydrom代理董事总经理Firas Al Abduwani博士表示,我们Hydom期待与国际合作伙伴合作,共建能源的未来。我们今天宣布的这一轮投标是全球首轮,我们相信这将有助于加快阿曼和全球绿色氢工业的发展。


能源和矿产部长萨利姆·纳赛尔·奥菲(Salim Nasser Al Aufi)10月23日在马斯喀特举行的新闻发布会上宣布了阿曼国的新气候承诺及其雄心勃勃的绿色氢战略。


Al Aufi表示,阿曼致力于脱碳,并帮助世界实现脱碳。实现净零的途径是阿曼创造经济价值、提高工业竞争力和吸引投资以帮助该国经济多样化和加强该国经济的一个机会。


郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Oman initiative to produce 1m T of green hydrogen

Oman has set up Hydrom, a fully owned subsidiary of Energy Development Oman SAOC (EDO) to meet its goal become one of the largest green hydrogen producers globally, targeting production of one million tons by 2030.

Regulated by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Hydrom’s mandate includes the delineation of Government-owned land areas and the structuring of associated large-scale world-class green hydrogen projects, managing the process for their allocation to developers as well as facilitating the development of common infrastructure and connected ecosystem industries and hubs in close collaboration with the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (Opaz).

On November 6, Hydrom will be opening a first public bid round aimed at awarding the first land blocks by 2023 to meet the 2030 production target, reported Oman News Agency (ONA).

Mazin Al Lamki Chief Executive Officer of Energy Development Oman said: “We are delighted to announce the new brand identity of Hydrom, a fully owned autonomous subsidiary of EDO. Working in tandem with the ambitious government plans, Hydrom will leverage the Sultanate of Oman’s location and abundant solar and wind resources to produce green hydrogen and support the government’s drive to reduce the carbon footprint and achieve decarbonization targets”.

Dr Firas Al Abduwani Acting Managing Director of Hydrom said: “We at Hydrom look forward to working with international partners to build the future of energy. The bid round we announced today is the first of its kind globally and we are convinced it will help accelerate the development of the green hydrogen industry in Oman and globally”.

These new ambitious sustainability initiatives come a few weeks before COP27 in Egypt, in which Oman is set to take part.

Salim Nasser Al Aufi, Minister of Energy and Minerals, unveiled the Sultanate of Oman’s new climate commitment and its ambitious green hydrogen strategy during a press conference in Muscat yesterday (October 23).

Oman has committed to reaching Net Zero Emissions in 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement’s objectives of limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels. To lead its transition towards a green economy, His Majesty gave directions to set up Oman Sustainability Centre. The centre will be the leading body undertaking the supervising and follow-up plans and programmes of carbon neutrality.

Al Aufi said: “Oman is committed to decarbonize and help the world decarbonize. The pathway to net zero is an opportunity for Oman to create economic value, increase industrial competitiveness and attract investments to help diversify and strengthen the country’s economy.

Green hydrogen presents itself as a key vector that enables Oman to pursue its decarbonisation, economic and energy security objectives. With the abundant renewable energy resources Oman is blessed with and with the appropriate structuring of the sector, Oman is positioned as one of the most attractive nations to produce green hydrogen competitively and at large-scale.”

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