
   2022-11-24 互联网综合消息




挪威石油和能源部周二在一份声明中表示,挪威能源巨头Equinor ASA将牵头开发位于挪威海北部的Irpa天然气发现,预计可采天然气储量达到200亿标准立方米。投资总额为148亿克朗(14亿美元),计划在2026年第四季度投产。  

挪威石油和能源大臣Terje Aasland收到该开发计划之际,欧洲在天然气供应方面面临多年的不确定性。地缘政治冲突爆发后, 挪威一直在寻求提高天然气产量,试图在一定程度上抵消产量的下降。


以前被称为Asterix的Irpa天然气发现将与海底设施一起开发,海底设施将与Aasta Hansteen平台连接,对所产天然气进行处理,并通过Polarled天然气管道进一步输送到欧洲市场。Irpa天然气发现预计能生产到2039年,将Hansteen平台的寿命延长7年。  

Equinor负责项目、钻井和采购的执行副总裁Geir Tungesvik周二表示:“这延长了Aasta Hansteen平台的使用寿命,确保了向欧洲输送天然气的安全,并创造了就业机会和连锁反应。”他说,Irpa气田深达1350米(4429.1英尺),是挪威大陆架上最深的气田,并补充说,获取天然气将涉及使用新技术使管道免受极端寒冷的影响。

Equinor是运营商,拥有51%的股份,挪威Petoro AS公司拥有20%的股份,温特斯豪Dea和壳牌公司分别拥有19%和10%的股份。 

李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社


Equinor, partners to invest $1.4 billion to develop Norwegian gas field

Norway will add a new natural gas field in the Norwegian Sea from 2026 in a push to bolster supplies to continental Europe as the EU rushes to replace flows.

Equinor ASA will lead the development of the Irpa gas discovery in the northern reaches of the Norwegian Sea to unlock an estimated 20 billion standard cubic meters of recoverable reserves, Norway’s Petroleum and Energy Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday. Investments will total 14.8 billion kroner ($1.4 billion), with production planned for the fourth quarter of 2026.

Petroleum and Energy Minister Terje Aasland received the development plan as Europe faces years of uncertainty over gas supplies after flows were cut in the aftermath of the war. Norway has sought to boost production in an attempt to offset some of that decline.

“Europe’s need for energy security is enormous and its hugely important these days that we can continue to develop the Norwegian continental shelf and continue to be a stable and long-term supplier of gas to the European market,” Aasland said in an interview.

Irpa, previously known as Asterix, will be developed with a seabed facility that will be connected to the Aasta Hansteen platform for processing and further transport through the Polarled gas pipeline to the markets in Europe. It is expected to produce until 2039, extending the life of Hansteen by seven years.

“This lengthens the lifespan of Aasta Hansteen, secures gas deliveries to Europe and creates jobs and ripple effects,” Equinor Executive Vice President for Projects, Drilling and Procurement, Geir Tungesvik said Tuesday. At 1,350 meters (4,429.1 feet) the field is the deepest on the Norwegian continental shelf, he said, adding that accessing the gas will involve the use of new technology to insulate the pipelines from extreme cold.

Equinor is operator with a 51% stake, while Petoro AS owns 20%, Wintershall Dea 19% and Shell Plc 10%.

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