
   2022-11-21 互联网综合消息


核心提示:中国石化新闻网讯 据管道新闻11月16日消息称,EIG周三表示,EIG与布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司合作,以155亿澳

中国石化新闻网讯 据管道新闻11月16日消息称,EIG周三表示,EIG与布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司合作,以155亿澳元(105亿美元)的价格收购澳大利亚的Origin Energy,希望利用这笔交易帮助建立一家全球液化天然气公司。

根据上周宣布的拟议收购,EIG的MidOcean Energy将收购Origin的综合天然气业务,包括其在昆士兰州液化天然气项目澳大利亚太平洋液化天然气(APLNG)的27.5%股份。

EIG在以108亿美元收购Santos Ltd STO时受挫后,至少三年来一直在关注APLNG的股份。AX于2018年成立,目标是打造一家面向日本、韩国等客户的全球液化天然气公司。

APLNG的吸引力在于它与日本关西电力(Kansai Electric)等签订了长期供货合同。


曹海斌 摘译自 管道新闻


EIG Targets Australia's Origin to Build Global LNG Company

EIG, teaming with Brookfield Asset Management in a A$15.5 billion ($10.5 billion) bid to split Australia's Origin Energy, is looking to use the deal to help build a global LNG company, its boss said on Wednesday.

Under the proposed buyout announced last week, EIG's MidOcean Energy would acquire Origin's integrated gas business including its 27.5% stake in Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG), an LNG project in Queensland state.

EIG has been eyeing the APLNG stake for at least three years, after being thwarted in a $10.8 billion bid for Santos Ltd STO.AX in 2018, aiming to create a global LNG company targeting customers in Japan, South Korea etc.

APLNG's appeal is its long-term contracts to supply  Japan's Kansai Electric and etc.

"Really the attraction for us are the export volumes and the contracts. This is not meant to be a play on domestic gas pricing in Australia," EIG Chief Executive Blair Thomas told Reuters in an interview by phone from Riyadh.

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