
   2022-12-28 互联网综合消息



据OILNOW网站12月23日报道,巴国油表示,一艘停靠在里约热内卢海岸200公里处的浮式生产、储存和卸载(FPSO)船P-71 FPSO,比其2023年的计划提前开始生产。

“我们也能够预计到产量的提升(生产演变),这不仅对巴西国家石油公司,而且对国家来说都是一个极好的消息,因为国家将提前收到这一生产的特许权使用费。”巴西国家石油公司Joao Henrique Rittershaussen说。


P-71 FPSO每天可处理15万桶石油和600万立方米天然气。它的尺寸为316米乘54米,可以储存160万桶油气。该FPSO可容纳166人。







曹海斌 编译自 OILNOW网站

Petrobras hits first oil at Itapu field offshore Rio

Petrobras said that the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, docked 200 kilometres off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, began production ahead of its 2023 schedule.

“We will also be able to anticipate the ramp-up (production evolution), which is excellent news not only for Petrobras but also for the country, which will receive the royalties from this production earlier,” says Petrobras’ Chief Production Development Officer, João Henrique Rittershaussen.

Brazil’s pre-salt churns out 1.94M barrels in Q3, 73% of Petrobras’ total production 

The P-71 FPSO can process up to 150,000 barrels of oil and 6 million cubic meters (m3 ) of gas per day. It measures 316 metres (m) by 54 m and can store 1.6 million barrels. The FPSO can accommodate 166 people.

Positioned in a water depth of 2,010 meters, the P-71 will be the only one to produce in the Itapu field, fully operated by Petrobras under the Transfer of Rights and Production Sharing regimes. The company expects the unit to reach its maximum production capacity in 2023.

The P-71 is the sixth and last of the series of replicant platforms operated by Petrobras.

These units are characterised by a standardised engineering design, high production capacity, and advanced technologies for operation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. One of the unit’s low-carbon technologies is the so-called flare gas recovery unit (FGRU) system, which contributes to greater utilisation of the produced gas and reduction of emissions.

Petrobras has plans to add 18 more FPSOs over the next five years.

In 2023, six vessels are expected, with combined capacity of 630,000 bpd. In 2024, three vessels are expected, with combined capacity of 505,000 bpd. In 2025, three vessels are expected, with combined capacity of 540,000 bpd. In 2026, two vessels are expected, with combined capacity of 450,000 bpd. In 2027, five vessels are expected, with combined capacity of 711,000 bpd.

Most of them are earmarked for pre-salt fields. 

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