
   2023-03-27 互联网综合消息




壳牌首席执行官Wael Sawan表示:“在这份报告中,我们展示了我们在2050年成为净零排放能源业务方面所取得的进展,因为我们将继续在巨大动荡时期供应世界所需的重要能源。我对我们在减少碳排放方面取得的进展感到特别自豪,到2022年底,与2016年相比净排放量减少了30%。”



声明称,其他措施包括壳牌向印度可再生能源开发商Sprng Energy投资16亿美元,以及对荷兰氢1号项目的最终投资决定,该项目将成为欧洲最大的可再生氢工厂。



壳牌董事长Andrew Mackenzie表示:“我们相信,我们在能源转型战略方面取得的进展造福了我们的客户、股东和更广泛的社会。”


曹海斌 摘译自 钻机地带


Shell Meeting its Energy Transition Targets

Shell has continued to make progress towards becoming a net-zero company, according to its latest Energy Transition Progress Report 2022. The company noted in its statement that it has again met its climate targets as part of its energy transition strategy.

“In this report, we show the progress we have made towards becoming a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050, as we continue to supply the vital energy the world needs during a time of great volatility," said Wael Sawan, Shell's Chief Executive Officer. "I am especially proud of the progress we have made in reducing carbon emissions from our operations, with a 30 percent reduction by the end of 2022 compared with 2016 on a net basis."

By the end of 2022, the net carbon intensity of the energy products sold by Shell had also fallen by 3.8 percent, compared with 2016, the company’s statement reads. Shell’s analysis, using data from the International Energy Agency, shows the net carbon intensity of the global energy system fell by around 2 percent over that time.

On its energy transition strategy path, Shell has significantly invested in LNG, which the company expects to remain an important part of the energy mix for many years to come, partly because of its role in reducing emissions from power generation and transport.

Other steps include Shell's $1.6 billion investment in Indian renewable power developer Sprng Energy, and the final investment decision on the Holland Hydrogen 1 project in the Netherlands, which will be Europe’s largest renewable hydrogen plant, the statement reads.

In 2022, Shell also acquired Denmark's Nature Energy, which produces renewable natural gas, for around $2 billion. This deal was completed at the beginning of 2023, the company reminded.

Shell also increased the number of electric vehicle charge points it owned or operated worldwide by 62 percent to around 139,000 in 2022, up from 86,000 the previous year.

“We believe the progress we have made in line with our energy transition strategy has been to the benefit of our customers, our shareholders and wider society,” said Andrew Mackenzie, Shell Chair.

This progress comes at a time when the energy system still faces challenges as high energy prices continue to contribute to a cost-of-living crisis for many people. These challenges have highlighted the need for a balanced energy transition: one in which the world achieves net-zero emissions, while still providing a secure and affordable supply of energy, Shell’s statement reads.

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