银行危机加剧经济衰退担忧 油价接近2021年低点

   2023-03-22 互联网综合消息




周一布伦特原油12月对12月价差收窄至2021年12月以来的最低水平,表明近期对石油需求前景减弱的担忧产生了较长期影响。就连最热衷看涨原油价格的高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)也不再预测今年原油价格将达到每桶100美元。




李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社


Oil Near 2021 Lows as Banking Crisis Boosts Recession Fears

Oil hovered around 15-month lows as a favored spread for hedge funds to trade plunged with banking turmoil shaking confidence across markets.

Brent’s December-December spread narrowed on Monday to its weakest level since Dec. 2021, suggesting a longer-term impact from recent fears of a diminished demand outlook. Even crude’s most ardent bull, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., no longer forecasts the commodity to reach $100 a barrel this year. 

The bank lowered its Brent projection for the 12 months ahead as rising near-term recession concerns and an exodus of investor flows sharply lowered crude prices. 

“Investor psyche has been damaged over the past week and it is going to take the emergence of a market stability to draw investors back to the fold,” said Rebecca Babin, senior energy trader at CIBC Private Wealth. “Expect more volatility and low- conviction trading as we head into the Fed this week”

After being stuck in a narrow channel since the end of last year, oil prices broke lower last week as the banking crisis magnified global recession fears and the resilience in the largger producer crude flows. The price slump has raised the prospect of intervention from OPEC+, though there’s speculation the group will stay on the sidelines for now.

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