
   2023-03-22 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据钻机地带3月20日报道,对石油前景最乐观的银行之一高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)小幅下调了对石油

据钻机地带3月20日报道,对石油前景最乐观的银行之一高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)小幅下调了对石油的预测,原因是对银行业和经济衰退可能性的担忧超过了亚洲需求激增的影响。



本周全球市场动荡不安,瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group AG)的动荡引发了整个市场的恐慌。油价已跌至15个月低点,布伦特原油本周下跌12%,至每桶73美元以下。


寿琳玲 编译自 钻机地带


Oil Prices Won't Hit $100 This Year

Goldman Sachs Group Inc., one of the most bullish banks on its outlook for oil, has nudged its forecasts down as worries over the banking sector and the potential for recession outweigh a surge in demand from Asia.

The bank’s analysts now see Brent reaching $94 a barrel for the 12 months ahead, and $97 a barrel in the second half of 2024, versus $100 a barrel previously.

“Oil prices have plunged despite the Asian demand boom given banking stress, recession fears, and an exodus of investor flows,” the bank said in a March 18 note. “Historically, after such scarring events, positioning and prices recover only gradually, especially long-dated prices.” 

Global markets have been roiled this week as turmoil at Credit Suisse Group AG triggered panic across markets. Oil has slumped to a 15-month low, with Brent dropping 12% this week to below $73 a barrel. 

Following the decline in prices, the bank now expects OPEC producers to only increase output in the third quarter of 2024, versus in the second half of 2023 which Goldman had estimated before the price rout.

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