
   2023-03-31 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据钻机地带3月28日报道,渣打银行(Standard Chartered)分析师在上周晚些时候发给Rigzone的一份报告中透露,

据钻机地带3月28日报道,渣打银行(Standard Chartered)分析师在上周晚些时候发给Rigzone的一份报告中透露,渣打的原油基金经理定位指数(SC Oil Positioning Index)出现了六年来最大的单周跌幅。

根据报告,西得克萨斯中质油(WTI) NYMEX下跌36.0点至-67.6点,WTI ICE下跌17.7点至-96.5点,布伦特NYMEX下跌17.3点至2.4点,布伦特ICE下跌28.9点至-27.6点。报告强调,渣打原油综合仓位指数下跌41.6点,至-67.0。




在这份结合了CFTC数据和洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange)同等数据的报告中,分析师们指出,“原油和汽油出现大量抛售,同时资金迅速转向贵金属”。












高盛(Goldman Sachs) 3月6日在其网站上发布的一份声明中指出,根据高盛研究(Goldman Sachs Research)的一份报告,到今年年底,油价可能升至每桶107美元的高位,“这取决于欧佩克如何应对新兴市场状况”。

本月晚些时候,彭博社(Bloomberg)报道称,高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析师“现在认为,布伦特原油价格在未来12个月将达到每桶94美元,2024年下半年将达到每桶97美元,此前为每桶100美元”。

寿琳玲 编译自 钻机地带


Largest Single Week Drop in 6 Years for SC Oil Positioning Index

Analysts at Standard Chartered revealed in a report sent to Rigzone late last week that their crude oil positioning index saw its largest single week decline in six years.

According to the report, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) NYMEX fell 36.0 points to -67.6, WTI ICE fell 17.7 points to -96.5, Brent NYMEX fell 17.3 to 2.4, and Brent ICE dropped 28.9 points to -27.6. The combined crude oil Standard Chartered positioning index fell 41.6 points to -67.0, the report highlighted.

The Standard Chartered analysts, who also revealed that their gasoline positioning index turned negative for the first time in 20 months, falling by 36.4 to -6.6, noted in the report that they think positioning in oil is now short enough to be price positive.

“The reversal of gamma effects at current prices should also support a short-term move higher,” the analysts stated in the report.

In its latest report, Standard Chartered noted that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) had published the last of the backlog of positioning data that arose from a cyberattack on a third-party data provider.

In the report, which combined the CFTC data with equivalent Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) data, the analysts noted that “there was heavy selling of crude oil and gasoline, combined with a rapid move by funds into precious metals”.

“Money manager net selling across the four main Brent and WTI contracts totaled 128.1 million barrels in the week to 14 March,” the analysts added.

“The next CFTC data … will show positions as of 21 March, a day after the price low, and is likely to show a further speculative unwind,” the analysts continued.

The latest Energy Information Administration (EIA) data was neutral, according to Standard Chartered’s bull-bear index, the analysts said.

“While there were strong draws in gasoline and distillates, crude oil inventories rose 3.35 million barrels against the five-year average, demand is still weak, and crude oil output rose,” the analysts stated.

“After the torrent of negative data earlier this year, any positive data is likely to improve sentiment. All that is now needed for the EIA data to become more bullish is a few more blue boxes in the week on week crude oil balance to help reduce the 33.65 million barrel surplus of crude above the five-year average,” the analysts added.

In a separate report sent to Rigzone on March 21, analysts at Standard Chartered outlined that they thought their oil supply-demand balance was “relatively benign in terms of its price implications”.

“It does not lend much fundamental support to the recent push down to $70 per barrel, but it also does not support any sustained surge this year above $100 per barrel,” the analysts stated in that report.

In its March 21 report, Standard Chartered projected that WTI would average $88 per barrel this year, $95 per barrel in 2004, and $106 per barrel in 2005. Brent was projected to average $91 per barrel in 2023, $98 per barrel in 2024, and $109 per barrel in 2025 in the report.

In a statement sent to Rigzone last week, Wood Mackenzie noted that Asian return to normal mobility is expected to drive a strong recovery in global oil demand in 2023 “from both a base and high case perspective”.

“This should see Brent crude prices rising from current levels to average $$89.40 per barrel for 2023,” Hittle added.

The more bullish high case scenario would see increased construction activity driving Asian oil demand even higher in 2023, Wood Mackenzie said in the statement, highlighting that this could push annual oil prices higher by $3-$5 per barrel.

In a statement posted on its website on March 6, Goldman Sachs noted that, according to a report from Goldman Sachs Research, oil prices could rise as high as $107 a barrel by the end of the year “depending on how OPEC responds to emerging market conditions”.

Later on in the month, Bloomberg reported that Goldman Sachs analysts “now see Brent reaching $94 a barrel for the 12 months ahead, and $97 a barrel in the second half of 2024, versus $100 a barrel previously”.

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