
   2023-05-18 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据5月16日NS Energy报道,挪威国家石油公司(Equinor Energy)及其合作伙伴在挪威海正式启动升级后的Njord油

据5月16日NS Energy报道,挪威国家石油公司(Equinor Energy)及其合作伙伴在挪威海正式启动升级后的Njord油田,预计该油田的生产周期将增加一倍,生产石油和天然气的时间将达到20年以上。



挪威石油和能源部长Terje Aasland表示,“由于地缘政治冲突爆发,挪威向欧洲出口石油和天然气从未像现在这样重要。重新开放Njord油田有助于挪威在未来多年保持欧洲稳定的天然气供应国地位”。




Equinor勘探和生产北部高级副总裁Grete Haaland表示,“这是一项艰巨的工作,部分工作是在疫情期间进行的,我要感谢所有参与Njord准备工作的人,感谢他们继续向市场供应石油和天然气。按照未来几年的预期价格,这项全面升级项目将在启动后不到两年的时间内收回成本”。


上个月,Bauge和Fenja油田通过回接到Njord a平台投入生产。未来,Njord油田有望通过挪威海的Draugen平台实现陆上部分电气化。

Equinor持有Njord油田27.5%的股份,是Njord油田运营方。其在海上油气田的合作伙伴是Wintershall Dea Norge(50%)和Neptune Energy Norge(22.5%)。

洪伟立 摘译自 NS Energy


Equinor officially opens upgraded Njord field in Norwegian Sea

Equinor Energy and its partners have officially opened the upgraded Njord field in the Norwegian Sea, which is now expected to double its field life to produce oil and gas for 20 more years.

Brought into production in 1997, the Njord oil and gas field was estimated originally to produce until 2013.

The associated platform and the floating storage and offloading vessel (FSO) were disconnected from the field in 2016 to go through extensive upgrades on shore. In late December 2022, production was restarted from the Njord field.

Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland said: “With the war , the export of Norwegian oil and gas to Europe has never been more important than now. Reopening Njord contributes to Norway remaining a stable supplier of gas to Europe for many years to come.”

Equinor said that with systematic work with increased recovery at the field means that there are still large quantities of oil and gas in place.

Besides, new hydrocarbon discoveries in the area can be brought on stream and exported through Njord, said Equinor.

The Norwegian oil and gas major stated that the partners also aim to double the production and draw nearly the same volume from the Njord field that they have produced so far, which is about 250 million barrels of oil equivalent.

Equinor exploration and production north senior vice president Grete Haaland said: “It has been a big and demanding job, partly carried out during a pandemic, and I would like to thank everyone involved in preparing Njord for continuing its supply of oil and gas to the market.

“With the prices we anticipate in the coming years this comprehensive upgrading project will be repaid in in just under two years after startup.”

Equinor revealed that ten new wells will be drilled on the offshore oil and gas field from an upgraded drilling facility. Previously made discoveries in the Njord area will be developed and more exploration will be undertaken near the field.

Last month, the Bauge and Fenja fields were brought into production via a tieback to the Njord A platform. In the future, the Njord field is expected to be partially electrified from shore through the Draugen platform in the Norwegian Sea.

Equinor has a stake of 27.5% and is the operator of the Njord license. Its partners in the offshore oil and gas field are Wintershall Dea Norge (50%) and Neptune Energy Norge (22.5%).


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