加拿大艾伯塔省野火持续蔓延 导致石油供应中断

   2023-05-25 互联网综合消息




据知情人士透露,至少有两家买家在本周收到了不可抗力(force majeure)通知,并且本月的低硫加拿大原油供应将削减5%或更多。彭比纳管道公司也宣布对其和平管道系统采取依据不可抗力条款进行的措施,该管道系统将西部油气田的天然气液体输送到埃德蒙顿地区。


加拿大和美国的2800多名消防员正面临炎热、干燥和大风的条件,艾伯塔省发言人克里斯蒂·塔克(Christie Tucker)周六表示,预计未来几天将有雨水和较凉爽的天气,但很大程度上取决于雨水的降落地点。“虽然扑灭野火时有阵雨是很好的,但我们会非常仔细地监测雷暴情况。”塔克表示,因为雷击可能引发新的火灾。


油气供应中断已经对一个关键枢纽的石油库存产生影响。根据地理空间行业数据提供商Ursa Space Systems的数据,截至5月13日埃德蒙顿的储油罐存储了1810万桶,该地比艾伯塔省另一个主要枢纽哈迪斯蒂(Hardisty)更靠近火灾发生地区,而该地5月初的库存为1970万桶。哈迪斯蒂的库存量基本稳定。



吴奇之 编译自 钻井地带 网站


Outages Hit Canada Oil Supply as Alberta Wildfires Persist

The wildfire situation in Canada’s top energy-producing province of Alberta remained volatile Saturday, while the disruptions to oil and gas production now have buyers facing supply cuts. 

At least two buyers were notified this week of force majeures and cuts of 5% or more to their receipts of low-sulfur Canadian crude this month, according to people familiar with the matter. Pembina Pipeline Corp. also declared force majeure on its Peace Pipeline system, which carries natural gas liquids from western oil and gas fields to the Edmonton area, according to two people who received the notice.

In all, the equivalent of about 240,000 barrels of daily oil and gas production — and perhaps more than 300,000 barrels — have been shut due to the fires, consultant Rystad Energy estimates. A total of 86 wildfires were burning in Alberta as of Saturday evening, down by seven from Friday, while the number of out-of-control blazes was steady at 26, provincial data show.

More than 2,800 firefighters from Canada and the US are on the ground, dealing with hot, dry and gusty conditions, Christie Tucker, a spokeswoman for Alberta Wildfire, said Saturday.

Rain and cooler weather are anticipated in the next days, but a lot depends on where that rain falls. “While showers will certainly be welcomed by firefighters, we monitor thunderstorms very carefully,” Tucker said, as lightning strikes might start new fires.

A wildfire crossed Highway 43 near Fox Creek, 260 kilometers (162 miles) northwest of Edmonton, on Thursday and flames were still close to the town, Tucker said. The area is a major center for drilling light oil and gas in the Duvernay shale formation.

The disruptions are already weighing on oil inventories at one critical hub. Storage tanks in Edmonton, which is closer to the blazes than Alberta’s other major hub of Hardisty, were holding 18.1 million barrels as of May 13, according to geospatial industry-data provider Ursa Space Systems. That’s down from 19.7 million at the start of May. Volumes at Hardisty are holding broadly steady.

The situation is also starting to weigh on economic forecasts for Canada. ATB Financial estimated on Friday that the infernos may trim 0.1% to 0.3% off the country’s real gross domestic product this month.

So far, the blazes have mostly struck the gas-producing region of western Alberta. 

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