
   2023-06-12 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油价网6月8日报道,阿根廷国有油气运营商YPF的一位高管表示,该公司将把重点放在将瓦卡穆尔塔(Vaca Muer

据油价网6月8日报道,阿根廷国有油气运营商YPF的一位高管表示,该公司将把重点放在将瓦卡穆尔塔(Vaca Muerta)页岩地层的油气出口提高到最高水平上。

研究机构ICIS援引YPF战略和投资主管Ariel Andreucci在一次行业活动上的话表示,“考虑到阿根廷的年消费量预计为1.5万亿立方英尺,我们将拥有200年的储备。这将使我们在未来几十年内每年向海外市场销售约30万亿立方英尺的天然气。这对YPF来说是一个很好的机会,对阿根廷经济也是如此”。







郝芬 译自 油价网


Argentina’s Oil And Gas Giant To Focus On Vaca Muerta Exports

Argentina’s state oil and gas operator YPF will focus its efforts on bringing crude oil and natural gas exports from the Vaca Muerta shale formation to as high a level as they can reach, according to a senior company executive.

“Considering Argentina’s consumption is expected at 1.5 tcf/year, we would have reserves for 200 years,” said Ariel Andreucci, YPF head of strategy and investments at an industry event, as quoted by ICIS.

“This would allow us to sell to overseas markets around 3 tcf/year in decades to come. It is a great opportunity for YPF but also for Argentina’s economy.”

Andreucci also acknowledged an opportunity in petrochemicals, noting that demand for petrochemicals is likely to stick around beyond 2050.

Exports, however, are not going to start at a full scale any time soon. Developing the Vaca Muerta reserves is challenging for YPF for financial reasons, Andreucci admitted, noting this would mean the company had to use its own cash flow to finance development.

“Monetisation is always done at scale. First, you find the resources and make them available for export. At YPF, we also have some added problems to get credit for projects, so we must use our own cashflow to finance new projects,” he said.

The Vaca Muerta formation is estimated to hold the world’s second-largest shale oil and gas reserves, containing an estimated 16 billion barrels of oil and 308 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Earlier this month, Norway’s Rystad Energy estimated that oil production from the play could hit 1 million barrels daily in the coming years. For context, as of February this year, the Vaca Muerta was producing some 291,000 barrels of crude daily.

YPF specifically said earlier this year it planned to double its output from the Vaca Muerta formation over the next five years and increase natural gas production by 30%. As of the end of 2022, YPF was producing just over 230,000 bpd of crude oil.

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