
   2023-06-21 互联网综合消息


核心提示:世界银行(World Bank)近日在一份新报告中表示,数万亿美元被浪费在了对化石燃料、农业和渔业的补贴上,而这

世界银行(World Bank)近日在一份新报告中表示,数万亿美元被浪费在了对化石燃料、农业和渔业的补贴上,而这些补贴本可以用来应对气候变化



据油价网2023年6月16日报道,世界银行(World Bank)近日在一份新报告中表示,将5770亿美元的政府化石燃料补贴重新定向,可以释放出至少5000亿美元的资金,用于更可持续的用途。







世界银行高级常务董事Axel van Trotsenburg评论说:“人们说没有钱用于气候,但其实有——只是钱投错了地方。”


李峻 编译自 油价网


World Bank Calls For Fossil Fuel Subsidies To Be Redirected

·     In a new report, the World Bank says that trillions of dollars are wasted on subsidies for fossil fuels, agriculture, and fisheries that could be used to address climate change.

·     The World Bank suggests $577 billion in government subsidies for fossil fuels could be redirected for more productive and sustainable solutions.

·     According to the report, countries spend about six times what they pledged to spend on renewable energies and low-carbon development on fossil fuel subsidies.

Redirecting the $577 billion in government subsidies for fossil fuels could unlock at least half a trillion dollars that could be put to more sustainable uses, the World Bank said in a new report.

The bank is calling for trillions of U.S. dollars stop being wasted on subsidies for agriculture, fisheries, and fossil fuels and be used to help address climate change instead of harming people and the planet.  

The World Bank’s report, Detox Development: Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies, found that direct government subsidies for agriculture, fishing, and fossil fuels combined are around $1.25 trillion a year—around the size of a big economy such as Mexico.  

Direct, or explicit subsidies, combined with implicit subsidies for fossil fuels, agriculture, and fisheries, exceed $7 trillion annually, which is around 8% of global gross domestic product (GDP), according to the report.

Implicit subsidies – a measure of the subsidies’ impact on people and the planet - amount to over $6 trillion a year and the burden fall mostly on the poor.

“To subsidize fossil fuel consumption, countries spend about six times what they pledged to mobilize annually under the Paris Agreement for renewable energies and low-carbon development,” the World Bank said.

“Redirecting these subsidies could unlock at least half a trillion dollars towards more productive and sustainable uses,” the bank says.

Axel van Trotsenburg, Senior Managing Director of the World Bank, commented, “People say that there isn’t money for climate but there is – it’s just in the wrong places.”

“If we could repurpose the trillions of dollars being spent on wasteful subsidies and put these to better, greener uses, we could together address many of the planet’s most pressing challenges.”

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